Oct 18, 2024  
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

What’s New!


New Program:

  • Master of Public Health, M.P.H.

New Specializations:

  • American Political Institutions and Public Policy (Political Science, M.A.-U.MA.POLS)
  • Business Analytics (Master of Business Administration-U.MBA.BADM-BUSA)
  • Cardiovascular Biology (Basic Biomedical Sciences, Ph.D. - U.PHD.BMDS)
  • Human-Computer Interaction (Computer Science, M.S.-U.MS.CSCI)
  • Informatics (Computer Science, M.S.-U.MS.CSCI)
  • International Relations (Political Science, M.A.-U.MA.POLS)

Updated Programs:

  • Accountancy, M.P.A. (Joint BBA/MPA).- Total hours discipline; electives
  • Addiction Studies, M.A.-Additional course options
  • Administration, ADS and HR specs, MSA (U.MS.ADM-ADS; U.MS.ADM-HRM) - Remove plan A; update 2 of the specializations
  • Basic Biomedical Sciences, M.S. (U.MS.BMDS) - Add non-thesis option
  • Basic Biomedical Sciences, Ph.D. - Cardiovascular Biology (U.PHD.BMDS) - Add Specialization; Total credit required in discipline; total credits of supporting coursework
  • Biology, M.A. and M.S. (U.MA.BIOL and U.MS.BIOL) - Total credits in discipline; supportive course work; elective course work
  • Biological Sciences, Ph.D. (U.PHD.BIOS AND U.PHD.BIOS-NEUR) - Total credits in discipline; supportive course work; elective course work; total credits required for program; existing specialization changes
  • Biomedical Engineering, M.S. (U.MS.BME) - Add accelerated track
  • Computer Science, M.S. (U.MS.CSCI) - Add specializations
  • CPE, Human Development and Educational Psychology Specialization, Ed.S. (U.EDS.CPE-HDEP) - course deletions and additions
  • CPE, Human Development and Educational Psychology Specialization, M.A. (U.MA.CPE-HDEP) - Add/Delete courses; Course deletions
  • CPE, Human Development and Educational Psychology Specialization, Ph.D. (U.PHD.CPE-HDEP) - Course additions
  • CPE, School Psychology Specialization, Ph.D. (U.PHD.CPE-SPSY) - Add courses
  • Curriculum and Instruction Ed.S. (U.EDS.CI) - Add courses
  • Interdisciplinary Studies, MA. (U.MA.IS) - Additional courses options
  • Master of Business Administration (U.MBA.BADM-BUSA)- Add Specialization-Business Analytics
  • Mental Health Counseling Graduate Certificate (U.CERTG.MHC) - CIP code change
  • Physician Assistant Studies (U.MS.PAST) - Course Additions
  • Political Science, M.A. (U.MA.POLS) - Total credits of electives; add 2 Specializations
  • Political Science Ph.D. (U.PHD.POLS) - Total credits required in discipline; total hours of elective work
  • Psychology, Human Factors Specialization, Ph.D. (U.PHD.PSYC-HFPS) - Total credits required in discipline; total hours of elective work
  • Secondary Education (U.MA.SEED) - Revise admissions requirements

Program Terminations:

  • Education Administration-Elementary School Principal Specialization, Ed.D. (U.EDD.EDAD-ELSP)
  • Education Administration-Elementary School Principal Specialization, Ed.D. (U.EDD.EDAD-SESP)
  • Education Administration-Elementary School Principal Specialization, Ed.S. (U.EDS.EDAD-ELSP)
  • Education Administration-Elementary School Principal Specialization, Ed.S. (U.EDS.EDAD-SESP)
  • Education Administration-Elementary School Principal Specialization, M.A. (U.MA.EDAD-ELSP)
  • Education Administration-Elementary School Principal Specialization, M.A. (U.MA.EDAD-SESP)
  • Theatre, M.A. (U.MA.THEA)


New Courses:

  • AHED 770-Technology in Society
  • AHED 780-Advanced Instructional Design
  • BADM 523-Foundations of Information Systems
  • BADM 723-Data Management and Warehousing
  • BADM 724-Data Mining for Managers
  • BADM 725-Data Mining for Competitive Advantage
  • BADM 726-Operational Analytics
  • BIOL 524-Disease Ecology
  • BME 791-Independent Study
  • CJUS 559-Profiling Serial Killers, Spree Killers, and Mass Murderers
  • CPHD 620-Foundations of Cardiovascular Sciences
  • CPHD630-Advanced Cardiac Biology
  • CPHD 640-Neural Regulations of Cardiovascular Functions
  • CPHD 692-Topics
  • CPHD 701-Introduction to Clinical Basic Sciences
  • CPHD 730-Advanced Cardiovascular Pharmacology
  • CPHD 740-Protein Quality Control
  • CSC 586-Data Mining (Authority of Offer and Change Prerequisites)
  • EPSY 727-Individual Development in Context
  • HIST 588-Introduction to Grand Strategy (Authority to Offer)
  • HSAD 792-Topics
  • LAW 804-Tribal Courts and Tribal Law
  • LAW 847-Advanced Legal Writing in Natural Resources Law
  • MCOM 524-Gender and Media
  • MCOM 540-Event Marketing and Management
  • MCOM 562-Advanced Digital Imaging
  • MCOM 583-Your Brain on Media
  • NSCI 711-Discoveries in Neurosciences
  • PHYS 733-Experiemental Particle Physics (Authority to Offer)
  • PHYS 898D- Dissertation
  • POLS 708-Theories of the U.S. Congress
  • POLS 709-Theories of the American Presidency
  • PUBH 710-Epidemiology
  • PUBH 720-Public Health Practice
  • PUBH 730-Pubilc Health Project
  • PUBH740-Rural Health Policy and Education
  • PUBH 750-Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health

Updated Courses:

  • ADS 512-Alcohol and Drug Uses in Diverse Populations (Remove pre-requisites)
  • ADS 515- Native Americans and Substance Use and Abuse (Remove pre-requisites)
  • ADS 520-Comprehensive Alcohol/Drug Education (Remove pre-requisites)
  • AHED 735-Instrucational Strategies for Adult Learners (Description)
  • BADM 567- Labor-Management Relations (Delivery Code)
  • BADM 561- Advanced Topics in Human Resources (Remove pre-requisites)
  • BIOL 528/L- Comparative Physiology/Lab (Pre-requisites; description)
  • BME 608- Biomedical Engineering (Renumber BME 408, Dual list BME 508)
  • BME 610- Experimental Design and Data Analysis in Biomedical Engineering (Renumber BME 710)
  • COUN 743- Brief Counseling Approaches with Substance Use-Related Problems (Change in Title, pre-requisites, description)
  • ENGL 583- Advanced Creative Writing (Remove Pre-requisites)
  • EPSY 727-Individual Development in Context (Add online delivery code as secondary delivery method)
  • ESCI 551 -Earth Structures (Change in Credit Hours)
  • MCOM 541-Internet Marketing Communication (Modify course description)
  • MEDC 816-Intensive Care (ICU Medicine) (Description)
  • MUS 714- Contemporary Music Theory Techniques (Title Change)
  • NEUR 838-Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (Credit Hours)
  • OCTH 742- Preparatory Methods: Physical Agent Modalities & Orthotic Devices (Change in Credit Hours, Registration-restriction, Enrollment Limit)
  • OCTH 744- Social and Political Contexts of Occupational Therapy Practice (Change in course number, pre- requisites, registration restriction, and enrollment limitation)
  • OCTH 750-Management of Healthcare Delivery (Credit Hours)
  • OCTH 756- OT Assessment & Intervention: Childhood & Adolescence (Change in Credit hours, pre- requisites, registration restriction, and enrollment limit)
  • PAST 718-Research Perspectives (Remove registration restriction)
  • PE 798-Thesis in Physical Education (Variable Credit Hours; Description)
  • PSYC 740-Usability Testing (Change in Number, Cross-list/equate)
  • PSYC 894- Clinical Psychology Internship (Registration Restriction and description)
  • SPAN 532- Spanish Civilization (Change in Course Number, Title, Description, and Dual List)
  • SURG 832-Cardiovascular and Thoracic (Change in Title, Description, Credit Hours variable)

Course Deletions (284 courses): 

  • A&S 511-Biblio & Library Research
  • ACCT 506-Accounting for Entrepreneurs
  • ACCT 521-International Accounting
  • ACCT 686-Readings in Accounting
  • AHED 799-Thesis Sustaining
  • AHED 885-Dissertation Sem In AHED
  • AHED 894S-Internship/Field Exp (EdS)
  • AHED 898S-Thesis in AHED (EdS)
  • AHED 899S-Program Sustaining (EdS)
  • AIS 522-Contemporary Indian Life
  • AIS 560-American Indian Philosophy
  • AIS 593-Workshop
  • AIS 792-Topics
  • ANAT 788-Master’s Research Prob/Project
  • ANAT 790-Seminar
  • ANTH 515-Women in Antiquity
  • ANTH 550-Anthropology & Literature
  • ANTH 594-Internship
  • ART 789-Master’s Res Prob/Proj Sust
  • ARTE 590-Seminar
  • BADM 506-Accounting for Entrepreneurs
  • BADM 587-International Case Study
  • BADM 595-Practicum
  • BADM 722-Advanced Info Syst for Bus
  • BADM 795-Practicum
  • BIOL 514-Animal Ecology
  • BIOL 514L-Animal Ecology Laboratory
  • BIOL 521-Plant Anatomy
  • BIOL 521L-Plant Anatomy Lab
  • BIOL 538-Molecular Ecology & Evolution
  • BIOL 549-DNA Sequencing Methods
  • BIOL 555-Mammalogy
  • BIOL 555L-Mammalogy Lab
  • BIOL 702-Biol Cncpt,Prin&App K-12 Educ
  • BIOL 771-Special Topics Genetics
  • BME 606-Occupational Biomechanics
  • BME 725-Biocomposites
  • BME 726-BIO/MEMS and Nano Systems
  • BME 732-Medical Imaging
  • BME 733-Cardiovascular Fluid Dynamics
  • BME 734-Transport Phenomena Biomed Eng
  • BME 735-CAD/CAM in Medicine & Surgery
  • BME 736-Adv Finite Element Methods
  • BME 737-Adv Signal Process & Imaging
  • BME 738-Information Tech in Medicine
  • BME 739-Continuum Mechanics
  • BME 745-Molecular Machines
  • BME 746-Biomimetics
  • BME 896-Field Experience
  • CHEM 526-Polymer Chemistry
  • CHEM 742-Thermodynamics
  • CLHU 505-Roman Art and Archaeology
  • CLHU 513-Lit of the Ancient World
  • CLHU 515-Women in Antiquity
  • CLHU 521-The Ancient World in Film
  • CLHU 525-Medieval Europe
  • CLIN 798-Clinical Assessment Skills
  • COUN 745-Counseling Licit/Illicit Drugs
  • COUN 763-Intr Student Affairs Higher Ed
  • COUN 764-Theory/Pract Coll Student Dev
  • COUN 896-Field Experience
  • COUN 897-Cooperative Education
  • CPHD 789-Master’s Res Prob/Proj Sust
  • CSC 789-Program Sustaining
  • DANC 581-Intermed Dance Tech: Modern
  • DCOM 712–nterview&Counsel Commun Dis
  • DCOM 721-Seminar in Hearing
  • DCOM 735-Sem Speech-Lang Disorders
  • DCOM 790-Seminar
  • DCOM 793-Workshop
  • DCOM 798-Thesis Research in Dcom
  • DRED 593-Workshop
  • ECON 591-Independent Study
  • ECON 690-Seminar
  • ECON 705-Macro Analysis & Policy
  • ECON 789-Master’s Res Prob/Proj Sust
  • ECON 791-Independent Study
  • EDAD 788-Master’s Research Prob/Project
  • EDAD 793-Workshop
  • EDAD 798-Thesis
  • EDAD 888-Admin/Leadership Literacy Prog
  • EDAD 891-Independent Study in Ed Admin
  • EDAD 899S-Program Sustaining (EdS)
  • EDER 897-Cooperative Education
  • EDFN 752-Mentoring Prof Dev Educator
  • EDFN 891-Independent Study
  • ELED 754-Meth of Early Literacy Teach
  • EMPA 788-Professional Report
  • ENGL 500-Advanced Writing
  • ENGL 513-Lit of the Ancient World
  • ENGL 577-Lit, Art & the American Land
  • ENGL 703-Sem Adv Theory Comp
  • ENGL 770-Seminar: Women’s Studies
  • ENGL 890-Seminar:
  • ENTR 506-Accounting for Entrepreneurs
  • EPSY 789-Master’s Res Prob/Proj Sust
  • ESCI 501-Princ of Earth Science I
  • ESCI 503-Princ of Earth Science II
  • ESCI 513-Glacial Geomorphology
  • ESCI 535-Geophysical Prospecting
  • FAMP 541-Clin Exp: Mat/Child Health
  • FAMP 790-Seminar
  • FAMP 815-Prof Issues & Ethics/ACLS
  • FAMP 828-Obstetrics/Pediatrics
  • FAMP 830-Office Hospital Manag
  • FAMP 831-Office Management
  • FAMP 834-Sports Med/Ski
  • FAMP 844-Extended Care and Rehab.
  • FAMP 845-Aerospace Medicine Services
  • FAMP 850-Med Ethcs/Adv Card Life Sup
  • FAMP 892-Topics
  • FREN 533-Topics in Francophone Culture
  • FREN 553-Topics in French Literature
  • GER 511-Adv Oral Prctc I in German
  • GER 512 Adv Oral Prctc II in German
  • GFA 501 Intro to Arts Admin
  • GFA 590 Seminar
  • GREE 511-Plato
  • GREE 512-Herodotus; Lysias
  • GREE 514-Tragedy II
  • GREE 591-Independent Study
  • GREE 592-Topics
  • HIST 504-Historical Geography
  • HIST 515-Women in Antiquity
  • HIST 518-History of Latin America
  • HIST 521-The Ancient World of Film
  • HIST 525-Medieval Europe
  • HIST 550-American Colonial History
  • HIST 552-US World Affairs Colonial-1900
  • HIST 553-Jeffersonian Democracy
  • HIST 554-Jacksonian Democracy
  • HIST 556-America: Square Deal-New Deal
  • HIST 560-American Military History
  • HIST 561-American Legal Issues
  • HIST 563-American Frontier II
  • HIST 564-20th Century Frontier
  • HIST 566-Native Americans: Sioux Country
  • HIST 572-US West History in Film
  • HIST 574-The Assassination of JFK
  • HIST 578-The End of the Old Order
  • HIST 579-The US and the Cold War
  • HIST 781-Reading Seminar
  • HLTH 540-Women’s Health
  • HLTH 590-Seminar
  • HLTH 790-Seminar
  • HLTH 793-Workshop
  • HLTH 794-Internship
  • HSAD 793-Workshop
  • INED 593-Workshop
  • LATI 501-The Writing of Latin I
  • LATI 502-The Writing of Latin II
  • LATI 511-Cicero
  • LATI 512-Pliny’s Ltrs & Martial’s Epg
  • LATI 513-Horace & Catullus
  • LATI 514-Roman Comedy: Plautusa & Teren
  • LATI 592-Topics
  • LAW 816-International Environment Law
  • LAW 817-United Nations Law
  • LAW 821-Indian Jurisdiction-Civil
  • LAW 822-Indian Jurisdiction-Criminal
  • LAW 835-Employee Benefit Plans
  • LAW 836-Advanced Civil Procedure
  • LAW 843-Federal Public Lands
  • LAW 852-Jurisprudence
  • LAW 856-Law and Medicine
  • LAW 866-Workers’ Compensation
  • LAW 868-Law and Literature
  • LAW 873-Pretrial Process
  • LAW 886-Law and the Disabled
  • LAW 890-Seminar
  • LIBM 594-Internship
  • LIBM 791-Independent Study
  • LIBM 792-Topics
  • LIBM 794-Internship
  • LT 785-Research Meth Educ Technology
  • MATH 550-History of Mathematics
  • MATH 793-Workshop
  • MCOM 571-Sales & Progrming Strategies
  • MCOM 795-Practicum
  • ME 736-Adv Finite Element Methods
  • MFL 591-Independent Study
  • MICR 795-Practicum
  • MSAS 789-Master’s Res Prob/Proj Sust
  • MTRO 501-Meteorology
  • MUAP 702-Indiv Instr - Voice Vii
  • MUAP 712-Indiv Instr-Keyboard VII
  • MUS 551-Mus Instrum-Tech Aspects
  • MUS 552-Chamber Music Literature with Piano (new course request pending)
  • MUS 571-Vocal Pedagogy
  • MUS 590-Seminar
  • MUS 724-Music Composition
  • MUS 726-Music Composition II
  • MUS 734-Instrum Solo Lit, Meth, & Mat
  • MUS 742-Choral Literature II
  • MUS 761-Advanced Instrumental Probs
  • MUS 784-Music Directors Seminar I
  • MUS 786-Music Directors Seminar III
  • MUS 789-Master’s Res Prob/Proj Sust
  • MUS 794-Internship
  • MUS 795-Practicum (reinstated)
  • MUS 796-Field Experience
  • MUS 797-Cooperative Education
  • OCTH 789-Master’s Res Prob/Proj Sust
  • PAST 789-Master’s Res Prob/Proj Sust
  • PAST 790-Seminar
  • PE 590-Seminar
  • PE 741-Leadership/Adapted Phys Activ
  • PE 747-Curriculum Devel Physical Educ
  • PE 762-Curr Issues in Physical Educ
  • PE 774-Marketing for Athletics/Sports
  • PE 792-Topics
  • PE 793-Workshop
  • PEDS 825-Develop Disabilities
  • PEDS 830-Research:PEDS-Adol Med
  • PEDS 831-Adolescent & Young Adult
  • PEDS 836-Ped Crit Care Med Subinternshp
  • PEDS 837-Pedatric Care: Surgical Pt
  • PHIL 590-Seminar
  • PHPH 795-Practicum
  • PHTH 789-Master’s Res Prob/Proj Sust
  • PHTH 792-Topics
  • PHYS 532-Experimental Modern Physics I
  • POLS 505-Urban Politics
  • POLS 538-The Legislative Process
  • POLS 545-Canada
  • POLS 731-Seminar in Public Law
  • POLS 793-Workshop
  • PSYC 504-Sem: Memory & Info Processing
  • PSYC 512-Intro to Ani Behavior
  • PSYC 577-Psych Testing & Measurement
  • PSYC 590-Seminar
  • PSYC 790-Seminar
  • PTRY 817-Psychiatry Acting Internship
  • PTRY 820-General Psychiatry
  • PTRY 828-Hdsp & Comm Psychiatry
  • PTRY 832-Consultative Psychiatry
  • PTRY 833-Pt-Tme Elec: Communi Psyc
  • PTRY 834-Pt-Tme Elec: Mar & Fam Psyc
  • RECR 590-Seminar
  • RECR 591-Independent Study
  • RECR 592-Topics
  • RECR 593-Workshop
  • RECR 788-Graduate Project in Recreation
  • RECR 790-Seminar
  • RECR 791-Independent Study
  • RECR 796-Field Experience
  • REL 524-Early Church
  • SCST 691-Independent Study
  • SEED 511-7-12 Speech Methods
  • SEED 715-Prin Sec Soc Studies Tchng
  • SEED 724-Prin Sec English Teaching
  • SEED 771-Sem: Supv Student Teach
  • SEED 799-Thesis Sustaining
  • SEED 861-Data Driven Curriculum Improv
  • SEED 872-Adm Fld Exp and Tchr Education
  • SOC 710-Adv Methods of Soc Research
  • SPAN 574-Spanish Lit: Siglo XX
  • SPAN 590-Seminar
  • SPEC 764-Intro to Specialties
  • SPED 528-American Sign Language I
  • SPED 529-American Sign Language II
  • SPED 790-Seminar
  • SPSY 896-Field Experience
  • SPSY 898S-Thesis in School Psyc (Ed.S.)
  • SPSY 899S-Thesis Sustaining
  • SURG 807-Surgery Acting Internship
  • SURG 829-Med, Surg of Ear, Nose & Thr
  • SURG 831-Ortho Exam: Spine & Extrm
  • TET 500-Instructional Computing Skills
  • TET 565-Web Page Development
  • TET 725-Networking Principles
  • TET 782-Seminar:
  • TET 790-Seminar
  • TET 875-Eval of Instructional Systems
  • TET 886-Systems View of Organizations
  • TET 890-Seminar
  • TET 892-Topics
  • TET 895S-Practicum in TET
  • TET 899S-Thesis Sustaining, Ed.S.
  • THEA 592-Topics
  • THEA 594-Internship
  • THEA 596-Field Experience
  • THEA 747-Periods & Styles of Design
  • THEA 793-Workshop
  • THEA 795-Practicum