Sep 17, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate catalog [Archived Catalog]

What’s New!

New features include:

  • The What’s New page provides a comprehensive point of reference to curricular changes such as program and course additions, modifications, deletions, and revisions to system and institutional requirements.


New Programs:

  • Sport Marketing & Media, B.A./B.S. (New code)

New Baccalaureate Minor:

  • Public Health Minor (UPUBH)
  • Sport Marketing & Media Minor (New code)

Updated Programs:

  • Associate of Science in Nursing [LPN to ASN] (U.AS.NURS)-Course Deletions and Additions that do not change the nature of the program; Revised course
  • Art History Minor (UARTH)-Course additions that do not change the nature of the program
  • Bachelor of Nursing, RN-to-BSN (U.BSN.NURS-RN)-Redistribute courses
  • Child and Adolescent Development Minor (UCADV)-Total credits required within the discipline ; total credits of elective course work; Additions that do not change the nature of the program; revised courses
  • Computer Science, B.S. (U.BS.CSCI)-Total credits required within the discipline; total credits of elective course work
  • Elementary and Special Education, B.S.Ed. (U.BSED.ELED-SPED)-Course deletions; Course additions in the program
  • Elementary Education, B.S.Ed. (U.BSED.ELED)-Course deletions; Course additions; Revised courses in the program
  • Elementary Education/Special Education B.S.Ed. (U.BSED.ELED/SPED)-Total credits required within the discipline; total credits of supportive course work
  • Health Sciences Minor (UHSC)-Revised courses in the program not changing totals
  • Health Sciences, B.S. (U.BS.HSC)-Revised courses in the program not changing totals
  • History Minor (UHIST)-Add and Delete courses
  • Honors Program (UHONR Major code)-Total number of credits required within the discipline; Total credits of supporting course work.
  • Information Technology Consultant Academy Certificate (U.CERTU.ITCA)-Add and Delete courses
  • Kinesiology and Sport Science, B.S. (U.BS.KSS)-Exisiting specialization; Total hours required for major; Existing Specializations; redistribution of credit hours
  • Lakota Language Teaching Minor (ULAKT)-Total credits in discipline; total for program
  • Media & Journalism, B.A./B.S. (U.BA.MJRN; U.BS.MJRN)-Change to non-major credit hour requirement
  • Music Education, B.M. (U.BM.MUSED)-Course additions that do not change the nature of the program
  • Music Performance, B.M. (U.BM.MUSAP)-Revised courses
  • Native Studies, BA, Double Major, and Minor (U.BA.NATV; UNATV)-Program name change to Native American Studies, Total credits required within the discipline, electives, and total for program; remove 2 spec, create new specializations
  • Secondary Education/Mathematics B.S.Ed. (U.BSED.MTED)-Course deletions and Additions that do not change the nature of the program
  • Spanish, B.A. [And Double Major] (U.BA.SPAN)-Course deletion that doesn’t affect total hours


New Courses:

  • ANTH 223-Lakota Culture and Traditions
  • ANTH 323-Lakota History and South Dakota
  • ANTH 350-Shamanism, Magic, and Witchcraft 
  • ANTH/NATV/REL 422-Native American Religion and Spirituality
  • ANTH/NATV 423-Lakota Governance
  • ART 262-Photo Materials and Techniques
  • ART 291-Independent Study
  • ART 361-Historic Photo Emulsions and Processes
  • ART 362-Color Photography
  • ART 461-Photo Special Projects
  • ART 462-Advanced Photography Projects
  • BADM 426-Lean Management
  • BADM 427-Supply Chain Management
  • CJUS 192-Topics
  • CJUS/NATV-480-Crime in Indian Country
  • CSC 101-Digital Humanities
  • CSC 291-Independent Study
  • CSC 324L-Machine Organization
  • CSC 380-Information Retrieval and Analysis
  • CSC 453-Theory and System Fundamentals
  • CSC 462-Computer Networks and Security
  • DCOM 492-Topics
  • ESCI 191-Independent Study
  • FREN 391-Independent Study
  • GER 302-Translating German  (Authority to Offer an Existing Common Course)
  • GER 380-Deutschland Heute (Authority to Offer an Existing Common Course)
  • GER 391-Independent Study
  • HIST 292-Topics
  • HIST/NATV 310-Federal Indian Policy
  • HIST 329-French Revolution & Napoleon 1789-1815 (Authority to Offer an Existing Common Course)
  • HIST 332-Pirates, Outlaws & Rebels
  • HIST 349-Women in American History (Authority to Offer an Existing Common Course)
  • HIST 351-Indigenous Women
  • HIST 370-Native American Oral History and Traditions
  • HIST/NATV 371-Indian Wars: Past and Present
  • HIST 375-American Naval History
  • HIST/NATV 478-Native American History to 1890
  • HIST/NATV 479-Native American History from 1890
  • HSAD 406-Quality in Health Care
  • HSC 494-Internship
  • KSS 491-Independent Study
  • LATI 191-Independent Study
  • LATI 291-Independent Study
  • LING 492-Topics
  • KSS 385-Introduction to Sport Analytics
  • MCOM 215-Sportswriting (Authority to Offer an Existing Common Course)
  • MCOM 244-Introduction to Sport Marketing & Media
  • MCOM 305-Sports Broadcasting (Authority to Offer an Existing Common Course)
  • MCOM 444-Sport Marketing & Media
  • MLS 239-Advancing Clinical Quality: Turning Data into Decisions
  • MLS 415-Communicable Disease and Public Health
  • MUS 340-Keyboard Literature (Authority to Offer an Existing Common Course)
  • MUS 346-Vocal Literature and Techniques for the Instrumental Ed Major
  • MUS 445-Song Literature
  • NATV 211-South Dakota American Indian Culture and Education
  • NATV 411-South Dakota Indian Studies
  • NATV 413-Current Issues and Problems in Indian Education
  • NATV 415-History of Indian Education
  • NATV 420-Contemporary Issues in Native American Studies
  • NATV 445-American Indian Literature
  • NATV 446-American Indian Literature II
  • NURS 202-LPN to RN Role Transition
  • NURS 291-Independent Study
  • NURS 342-Information Management and Technology Application
  • NURS 362-Leadership and Professionalism
  • NURS 382-Nursing Practice in a Global Society
  • NURS 450-Baccalaureate Nursing Roles Synthesis
  • NURS 476-Optimizing Health of Populations
  • NURS 491-Independent Study
  • PHIL 320-Professional Ethics (Authority to Offer an Existing Common Course)
  • POLS 192-Topics
  • RUSS 291-Independent Study
  • RUSS 292-Topics
  • SOC 471-Medical Sociology (Authority to Offer an Existing Common Course)
  • SPCM 244-Introduction to Sport Communication
  • WMST 424-Gender and Media

Updated Courses:

  • ADS 415-Native Americans and Substance Use and Abuse (Re-number to ADS 416; cross-list with NATV 416)
  • AIS/ARTH 251-American Indian Art History (cross-list with NATV 251)
  • AIS/ENGL 214-Introduction to American Indian Literature (cross-list with NAVT 214)
  • ANTH 330-Native Peoples and Cultures of North America (Re-number ANTH 331; cross-list with NATV 331)
  • ART 236-Figure Painting (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 246-Sculpture: Woodworking and Mixed Media (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 256-Ceramics Intermediate (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 286-Serigraphy (Description)
  • ART 335-Painting: Materials and Methods (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 336-Painting: Studio Projects (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 345-Sculpture: Metal Fabrication (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 346-Sculpture: Foundry (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 355-Ceramic Techniques (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 356-Ceramics: Slip Casting and Moldmaking (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 385-Lithography (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 386-Printmaking: Studio Projects (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 435-Painting: Advanced Studio Projects (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 436-Painting: Special Projects (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 445-Sculpture: Installation (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 446-Sculpture: Concept Development (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 455-Ceramics: Advanced Techniques (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 456-Ceramics: Glaze Chemistry and Kiln Theory (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 485-Printmaking: Advanced Studio Projects (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 486-Printmaking: Special Projects (Prerequisite; Description)
  • ART 487-Professional Practices - Capstone (Description)
  • CSC 324-Machine Organization (Prerequisite; Co-requisite; Description)
  • CSC 350-Algorithms and Data Structures (Description)
  • CSC 408-Social/Ethical/Legal Aspects (Reduce Credit Hours)
  • CSC 411-Simulation (Prerequisite; Description)
  • CSC 456-Operating Systems (University specific prerequisites)
  • CSC 471-Numerical Analysis I (Prerequisite; Description)
  • CSC 472-Numerical Analysis II (Prerequisite; Description)
  • CSC 475-Operations Research (Prerequisites)
  • ESCI 101-Dynamic Earth (Add Co-requisites)
  • ESCI 421-Earth Materials I (Prerequisites)
  • ESCI 473-Fundamentals of Hydrogeology (Prerequisites)
  • HIST 370-The American West (Re-number HIST 372)
  • HIST 446-European Military History (Renumber to HIST 340)
  • HIST 462-American Frontier I (Renumber to HIST 372; Re-title: The American West; Description)
  • HSC 305-Prof Comm and Relationship-Centered Care (Instructor Consent)
  • HSC 350-Principles of Health Care (Instructor Consent)
  • HSC 380-Health Literacy and Culture Care (Instructor Consent)
  • HSC 460-Leading Change (Registration Restriction to HSC majors or instructor consent)
  • KSS 450-Sport Facility and Event Management (Registration Restriction)
  • MATH 475-Operations Research (Prerequisite)
  • MCOM 341-Public Relations Writing (Prerequisite; Description)
  • NATV 110-The Native Studies Discipline (Re-title-Intro to Native American Studies; Description)
  • NATV 214-Introduction to American Indian Literature (Cross-list with NAVT 214)
  • NATV 220-Native Studies Theory (Re-title-Theory and Methodology; Description)
  • NATV 251-American Indian Art History (Cross-list with NATV 251)
  • NATV 260-Oceti Sakowin Oyate Culture  (Re-number NATV 223; Re-title-Lakota Culture and Traditions; Description; Cross-list with ANTH 223)
  • NATV 331-Native Peoples and Cultures of North America (Re-number ANTH 331; Cross-list with NATV 331)
  • NATV 350-Native Women (Re-number NATV 351; Re-title -Indigenous Women; Description; Cross-list with HIST 351)
  • NATV 365-Oceti Sakowin and South Dakota (Re-number NAVT 323; Re-title-Lakota History and South Dakota; Description; Cross-list with ANTH 323)
  • NATV 370-Community-based Oral History Methods (Re-title-Native American Oral History and Traditions; Description; Credit hour reduction; Cross-list with HIST 370)
  • NATV 416-Native Americans and Substance Use and Abuse (Re-number to ADS 416; Cross-list with NATV 416)
  • NATV 470-Applied Research for Social Change (Re-title-Senior Seminar; Credit Hours; Description)
  • SPAN 335-Literature of the Spanish Speaking World (Prerequisites)
  • UHON 211-Interdisciplinary Civilization II (Re-title: Interdisciplinary Civilization; Prerequisites; Description)
  • UHON 498-Senior Thesis (Reduce Credit Range)

System General Education Requirements:

SGR #1 Written Communication

  • N/A

SGR #2 Oral Communication

  • N/A

SGR #3 Social Science

  • N/A

SGR #4 Humanities and Fine Arts

  • LAKL 201 Intermediate Lakota I
  • LAKL 202 Intermediate Lakota II

SGR #5 Mathematics

  • N/A

SGR #6 Natural Science

  • A&S 123 Science: The Core of Discovery (Remove from approved list)
  • MTRO 201 Meteorology
  • MTRO 201L Meteorology Lab

SGR #7 Information Literacy

  • N/A

Institutional Graduation Requirements:

IGR #1 Additional First-Year Composition Course Requirement

  • N/A

IGR #2 Aesthetic Experience Requirement

  • N/A

Board of Regents Additional Requirements:

Globalization/Global Issues Requirement Additions

  • GER 201 Intermediate German I
  • GER 202 Intermediate German II
  • NURS 471 Clinical Prevention and Population Health

Writing Intensive Requirements Additions

  • BIOL 436 Biogeography
  • HSAD 495 Practicum
  • NURS 471 Clinical Prevention and Population Health


Course Deletions (8 courses, 20 additional with spring clean-up):

  • ANTH 412-Plains Ind Cultural Ecology
  • ART 361F-Photography III
  • CSC 473-Numerical Methods
  • ENGL 435-18th Century English Novel
  • ENGL 462-British Novel: 19th Century
  • ESCI 479-Water Resource Issues
  • GER 445-Hist & Develop of German Lang
  • HSAD 430-Crit Iss/Geron&Long Term Care
  • MATH 316-Discrete Mathematics
  • MATH 417-Matrix Theory
  • NATV 200-Museums & Interpretive Centers
  • NATV 230-Native Images in Contemporary Media
  • NATV 320-Critical Theory/Native Peoples
  • NATV 355-Urbanization & Native Peoples
  • NATV 400-Education & Native Peoples
  • PHIL 422-Social & Political Philosophy
  • PHIL 433-Philosophy of Phys Science
  • PHIL 440-Metaphysics
  • PHIL 443-Theory of Knowledge
  • PHIL 460-Native American Thought
  • PHYS 334-Exper Modern Physics II
  • POLS 301-Intro to Law & Legal Studies
  • REL 173-The Meanings of Love
  • REL 271-Topic:Judaeo-Christian Trad
  • SOCW 341-Human Behavior and the Social Environment II
  • STAT 486-Design of Surveys
  • STAT 487-Regression Analysis
  • STAT 489-Design of Experiments