Feb 09, 2025
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
High School Dual Credit
Earn college credits from South Dakota’s Flagship University
High School Dual Credit (HSDC) is an opportunity for high school students to enroll in college courses and earn credits towards their high school diploma while starting a college degree at a reduced tuition. HSDC courses are offered on-campus or at the USD-Sioux Falls, online, or “in-district” at approved high schools. Dual credit courses are available at the low cost of $48.33 per credit hour, plus any required course books or materials.
Dual Credit Course tuition rate is offered to qualified public high school students participating in dual credit courses offered. The rate is $145 per credit hours. Students are responsible for the $48.33 per credit cost and any required textbooks or related course materials. The SD Department of Education pays the remaining $96.67 per credit hour. *Tuition rates are subject to change. The Board of Regents generally make tuition determinations at its April meeting.
Apply now:
- Continuing Registration: Dual credit students who have been continually enrolled in previous semesters may use this form.
- Online Application: Use this application if you have never applied for USD dual credit, if you have not been continually enrolled in dual credit or if you have had a gap in enrollment. During the process, you will need to list the course(s) you wish to take. The signature page will appear after the completion of the application.
For more information or help with applying to dual credit coursework through USD, please contact admissions at: 1-877-COYOTES (1-877-269-6837).
For more information about which dual credit course is best for you, please contact the Dual Credit Advisor at 605-658-6132 or by e-mail at dualcredit@usd.edu.
High School Dual Credit Course List
Approved courses
- ANTH 210 - Cultural Anthropology (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- ANTH 211 - Social Science Writing (C) [SGR #1, HSDC]
- ANTH 220 - Biological Anthropology [SGR #3, HSDC]
- ANTH 230 - Introduction to Archaeology (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- ARAB 101 - Introductory Arabic I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ARAB 102 - Introductory Arabic II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ART 101 - Introduction to Fine Arts [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ART 111 - Drawing I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ART 112 - Drawing II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ART 121 - Design I: 2D (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ART 123 - Three Dimensional Design (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ARTH 100 - Art Appreciation (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ARTH 211 - History of World Art I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ARTH 212 - History of World Art II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ARTH 251 - American Indian Art History (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- BIOL 101 - Biology Survey I (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- BIOL 101L - Biology Survey I Laboratory (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- BIOL 103 - Biology Survey II (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- BIOL 103L - Biology Survey II Laboratory (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- BIOL 104 - Foundations of Biology for Educators [SGR #6, HSDC]
- BIOL 104L - Foundations of Biology for Educators Lab [SGR #6, HSDC]
- BIOL 151 - General Biology I (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- BIOL 151L - General Biology I Lab (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- BIOL 153 - General Biology II (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- BIOL 153L - General Biology II Lab (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- CHEM 104 - Foundations of Chemistry for Educators [SGR #6, HSDC]
- CHEM 104L - Foundations of Chemistry for Educators Lab [SGR #6, HSDC]
- CHEM 106 - Chemistry Survey (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- CHEM 106L - Chemistry Survey Laboratory (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- CHEM 107 - Organic and Biochemistry Survey (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- CHEM 107L - Organic and Biochemistry Survey Laboratory (C) [SGR#6, HSDC]
- CHEM 112 - General Chemistry I (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- CHEM 112L - General Chemistry I Laboratory (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- CHEM 114 - General Chemistry II (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- CHEM 114L - General Chemistry II Laboratory (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- CHEM 116 - Honors Principles of Chemistry [SGR #6, HSDC]
- CHEM 116L - Honors Principles of Chemistry Laboratory [SGR #6, HSDC]
- CHIN 101 - Introductory Chinese I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- CHIN 102 - Introductory Chinese II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- CJUS 201 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- CJUS 202 - Writing & Research in Criminal Justice [SGR #1, HSDC]
- CLHU 100 - Introduction to Philosophy [SGR #4, HSDC]
- CMST 101 - Fundamentals of Speech (C) [SGR #2, HSDC]
- CMST 201 - Interpersonal Communication (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- CMST 215 - Public Speaking (C) [SGR #2, HSDC]
- CMST 222 - Argumentation and Debate (C) [SGR #2, HSDC]
- ECON 201 - Principles of Microeconomics (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- ECON 202 - Principles of Macroeconomics (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- ENGL 101 - Composition I (C) [SGR #1, HSDC]
- ENGL 201 - Composition II (C) [SGR #1, HSDC]
- ENGL 205 - Business Writing [SGR #1, HSDC]
- ENGL 210 - Introduction to Literature (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ENGL 212 - World Literature II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ENGL 214 - Introduction to American Indian Literature (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ENGL 221 - British Literature I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ENGL 222 - British Literature II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ENGL 241 - American Literature I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ENGL 242 - American Literature II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- ENGL 283 - Introduction to Creative Writing (C) [SGR #1, HSDC]
- ENGL 284 - Introduction to Criticism (C) [SGR #1, HSDC]
- EPSY 210 - Lifespan Development (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- ESCI 101 - Dynamic Earth [SGR #6, HSDC]
- ESCI 101L - Dynamic Earth Laboratory [SGR #6, HSDC]
- ESCI 103 - Earth and Life Through Time [SGR #6, HSDC]
- ESCI 103L - Earth and Life Through Time Laboratory [SGR #6, HSDC]
- ESCI 104 - Foundations of Earth Sciences for Educators [SGR #6, HSDC]
- ESCI 104L - Foundations of Earth Sciences for Educators Lab [SGR #6, HSDC]
- FREN 101 - Introductory French I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- FREN 102 - Introductory French II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- FREN 201 - Intermediate French I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- FREN 202 - Intermediate French II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- GEOG 210 - World Regional Geography (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- GER 101 - Introductory German I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- GER 102 - Introductory German II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- GER 201 - Intermediate German I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- GER 202 - Intermediate German II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- GREE 101 - Elementary Greek (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- GREE 102 - Advanced Elementary Greek [SGR #4, HSDC]
- HIST 111 - World Civilizations I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- HIST 112 - World Civilizations II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- HIST 121 - Western Civilization I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- HIST 122 - Western Civilization II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- HIST 151 - United States History I (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- HIST 152 - United States History II (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- HIST 211 - History of World Art I [SGR #4, HSDC]
- HIST 212 - History of World Art II [SGR #4, HSDC]
- HSC 280 - Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology [SGR #6, HSDC]
- HSC 280L - Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab [SGR #6, HSDC]
- HUM 100 - Introduction to Humanities (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- INED 211 - South Dakota American Indian Culture and Education (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- ISCI 151 - Integrated Science I [SGR #6, HSDC]
- ISCI 151L - Integrated Science I Laboratory [SGR #6, HSDC]
- ISCI 153 - Integrated Science II [SGR #6, HSDC]
- ISCI 153L - Integrated Science II Lab [SGR #6, HSDC]
- LAKL 101 - Introductory Lakota I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- LAKL 102 - Introductory Lakota II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- LAKL 201 - Intermediate Lakota I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- LAKL 202 - Intermediate Lakota II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- LATI 101 - Elementary Latin (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- LATI 102 - Advanced Elementary Latin [SGR #4, HSDC]
- MATH 103 - Mathematical Reasoning (C) [SGR #5, HSDC]
- MATH 103L - Mathematical Reasoning Lab (C) [SGR #5, HSDC]
- MATH 104 - Finite Mathematics (C) [SGR #5, HSDC]
- MATH 114 - College Algebra (C) [SGR #5, HSDC]
- MATH 115 - Precalculus (C) [SGR #5, HSDC]
- MATH 120 - Trigonometry (C) [SGR #5, HSDC]
- MATH 121 - Survey of Calculus (C) [SGR #5, HSDC]
- MATH 123 - Calculus I (C) [SGR #5, HSDC]
- MATH 125 - Calculus II (C) [SGR #5, HSDC]
- MATH 216 - Discrete Structures [SGR #5, HSDC]
- MATH 225 - Calculus III (C) [SGR #5, HSDC]
- MCOM 151 - Introduction to Mass Communication (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- MFL 101 - Intro Foreign Language & Culture I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- MFL 102 - Intro to Foreign Language and Culture II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- MTRO 101 - Meteorology [SGR #6, HSDC]
- MTRO 101L - Meteorology Lab [SGR #6, HSDC]
- MUS 100 - Music Appreciation (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- MUS 117 - Music in Performance I [SGR #4, HSDC]
- MUS 240 - Music Cultures of the World (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- NATV 110 - Intro to Native American Studies [SGR #3, HSDC]
- NATV 211 - South Dakota American Indian Culture and Education (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- NATV 251 - American Indian Art History (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- PHGY 220 - Human Anatomy and Integrated Physiology I [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHGY 220L - Human Anatomy and Integrated Physiology Laboratory I [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHGY 230 - Human Anatomy and Integrated Physiology II [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHGY 230L - Human Anatomy and Integrated Physiology II Laboratory [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHIL 100 - Introduction to Philosophy (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- PHIL 200 - Introduction to Logic (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- PHIL 215 - Introduction to Social-Political Philosophy (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- PHIL 220 - Introduction to Ethics (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- PHIL 233 - Philosophy & Literature (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- PHIL 240 - Introduction to Ethics, Law, and Society [SGR #4, HSDC]
- PHIL 242 - Ethics, Law, and Literature [SGR #4, HSDC]
- PHYS 104 - Foundations of Physics for Educators [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHYS 104L - Foundations of Physics for Educators Lab [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHYS 111 - Introduction to Physics I (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHYS 111L - Introduction to Physics I Laboratory (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHYS 113 - Introduction to Physics II (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHYS 113L - Introduction to Physics II Laboratory (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHYS 185 - Solar System Astronomy (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHYS 185L - Solar System Astronomy Laboratory (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHYS 187 - Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHYS 187L - Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology Laboratory (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHYS 211 - University Physics I (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHYS 211L - University Physics I Laboratory (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHYS 213 - University Physics II (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- PHYS 213L - University Physics II Laboratory (C) [SGR #6, HSDC]
- POLS 100 - American Government (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- POLS 141 - Governments of the World (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- POLS 202 - Writing & Research in Political Science [SGR #1, HSDC]
- POLS 210 - State & Local Government (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- POLS 250 - Introduction to International Relations (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- PSYC 101 - General Psychology (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- REL 225 - New Testament (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- REL 250 - World Religions (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- RUSS 101 - Introductory Russian I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- RUSS 102 - Introductory Russian II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- SOC 100 - Introduction to Sociology (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- SOC 150 - Social Problems (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- SOC 211 - Social Science Writing [SGR #1, HSDC]
- SOC 250 - Courtship and Marriage (C) [SGR #3, HSDC]
- SPAN 101 - Introductory Spanish I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- SPAN 102 - Introductory Spanish II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- SPAN 201 - Intermediate Spanish I (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- SPAN 202 - Intermediate Spanish II (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- STAT 281 - Introduction to Statistics (C) [SGR #5, HSDC]
- SUST 111 - Sustainable Society [SGR #3, HSDC]
- SUST 113 - Sustainable Environment [SGR #6, HSDC]
- SUST 113L - Sustainable Environment Lab [SGR #6, HSDC]
- THEA 100 - Introduction to Theatre (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- THEA 131 - Introduction to Acting (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- THEA 201 - Film Appreciation (C) [SGR #4, HSDC]
- THEA 231 - Acting I [SGR #4, HSDC]
- WMST 247 - Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies [SGR #3, HSDC]