Feb 07, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

High School Dual Credit

Earn college credits from South Dakota’s Flagship University

High School Dual Credit (HSDC) is an opportunity for high school students to enroll in college courses and earn credits towards their high school diploma while starting a college degree at a reduced tuition. HSDC courses are offered on-campus or at the USD-Sioux Falls, online, or “in-district” at approved high schools. Dual credit courses are available at the low cost of $50.84 per credit hour, plus any required course books or materials.

Dual Credit Course tuition rate is offered to qualified public high school students participating in dual credit courses offered. The rate is $152.54 per credit hours. Students are responsible for the $50.84 per credit cost and any required textbooks or related course materials. The SD Department of Education pays the remaining $101.70 per credit hour. *Tuition rates are subject to change. The Board of Regents generally make tuition determinations at its April meeting.  

For more information about High School Dual Credit and the Application process, you can visit, you can visit the SDBOR High School Dual Enrollment page.

For more information or help with applying to dual credit coursework through USD, please contact admissions at: 1-877-COYOTES (1-877-269-6837).

For more information about which dual credit course is best for you, please contact the Dual Credit Advisor at 605-658-6132 or by e-mail at dualcredit@usd.edu.

SDBOR Reduced Tuition Dual Credit Guidelines:  Academic Affairs Guideline Policy

High School Dual Credit Course List

Approved courses