Sep 25, 2024  
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • BADM 293 - Workshop (C)

    Special, intense sessions in specific topic areas. Approximately 45 hours of work is required for each hour of credit. Workshops may vary in time range but typically use a compressed time period for delivery. They may include lectures, conferences, committee work, and group activity.

    (C) denotes Common Course

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 300 - Business Processes & Integrated Business Solutions

    Business Processes & Integrated Business Solutions introduces the concepts and importance of integrated information systems in the modern, international business environment. It provides conceptual foundations and hands-on experiences supporting the development of advanced concepts in the junior and senior-level courses. Specifically, the course will utilize the SAP paradigm as a model for discussing and building integrated business solutions. It will provide an introduction to the SAP information system through hands-on experiences and an exhaustive analysis of an implemented case company. Finally, the course will provide a foundation for how integrated business solutions and the SAP information system will be employed throughout the undergraduate program of study in the School of Business at The University of South Dakota.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course corequisite or prerequisite: ACCT 210

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 301 - Business Process Re-Engineering

    Business Process Re-Engineering discusses the rationale, methods, and procedures commonly employed in re-engineering business processes in the modern, international business world. The re-engineering of many business processes is, without question, demanded whenever a new information system is contemplated or implemented. Such change is a constant in the modern business environment and re-engineering concepts currently represent one of the preferred methods for enhancing a company’s implementation of student developed re-engineered solutions to common business processes.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ACCT 210 and 211 and BADM 300

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 310 - Business Finance (C)

    Business finance is an overview of financial theory including the time value of money, capital budgeting, capital structure theory, dividend policies, asset pricing, risk and return, the efficient markets hypothesis, bond and stock valuation, business performance evaluation and other financial topics.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: ACCT 211

    (C) denotes Common Course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 321 - Business Statistics II (C)

    This course focuses on statistical inference and forecasting. Topics, with business applications, include hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, correlation, simple linear and multiple regression and time series analysis. Utilization of statistical software is emphasized.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisites: MATH 281, BADM 220, or STAT 281

    (C) denotes Common Course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 323 - Information Systems for Business Professionals

    This course provides the knowledge and understanding of how information systems can be used in a business organization for achieving competitive advantage. Student learning will be accomplished through the use of text, cases, hands-on computer laboratory exercises, and interaction with real-world businesses.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ACCT 210 and BADM 220, MATH 281 or STAT 281

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 334 - Small Business Management (C)

    This course applies business policies and procedures to the small business environment. As such, it is designed for students contemplating management or ownership of a small business. Topics include the nature of the entrepreneur, financing and ownership options, marketing, government regulations, taxation, inventory control and other relevant business functions.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: BADM 260 and 360, or 369

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 336 - Entrepreneurship I (C)

    This course is an introduction to the concepts, terminology, and process of new venture creation, operations and growth, as well as the introduction of entrepreneurial management practices into existing businesses. This course will assist in the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities and strategies and the role of personal factors (including creativity). Legal, ethical, and social responsibilities are emphasized.

    (C) denotes common course

    Cross-listed: ENTR 336

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 338 - Green Entrepreneurship

    Green Entrepreneurship emphasizes starting and growing companies in the “Green Industry,” such as recycling, waste disposal, environmental monitoring, carbon offsets, and “greener” products and services of all forms.  This course will also emphasize how the entrepreneur can start and grow any company while minimizing environmental impact.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course Prerequisite: BADM 336

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 350 - Legal Environment of Business (C)

    This is a study of legal topics as they apply to the business environment. Topics include an introduction to the law, the U.S. Court system, legal process, government regulation, and criminal, tort, and contract issues.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 351 - Business Law (C)

    This course involves a thorough study of the law of contracts, sales, product liability, agency, corporations and other selected topics.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 350

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 352 - Business Service-Learning Experience

    Business Service-Learning Experience is an optional co-requisite with any upper level business course.  Includes relevant service with community partners, purposeful civic engagement and structured reflection integrating course concepts for enriching the learning experience.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: Instructor and Associate Dean permission is required.

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 365 - Business and Professional Speaking

    Business and Professional Speaking involves practice in oral and written communication activities in the workplace, with emphasis upon the simulation of workplace conditions in structured exercises, with particular attention to the following skills: (1) making effective formal presentations; (2) participating in group decision-making; and (3) advocacy of positions in a persuasive manner.

    Cross-listed: SPCM 310

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 369 - Organizational Behavior & Theory

    Organizational behavior and theory is a basic course in the organizing activities of people in groups. The emphasis is on organizational behavior, including the study of interpersonal behavior, motivation, group dynamics, and the methods of coordination, design, change, and adaptation within an organization.

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 370 - Marketing (C)

    This course introduces the student to the basic concepts and practices of modern marketing. Topics include marketing and its linkages to business, consumer behavior, marketing research, strategy and planning, product and pricing decisions, distributions and promotion decisions, marketing management, and evaluation and control aspects for both consumer and industrial goods.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 401 - Advanced Integrated Business Solutions

    Advanced Integrated Business Solutions builds on integrated business solutions concepts and experiences. The course will be taught using team projects requiring the analysis, documentation, and implementation of an integrated business solution on the SAP R/3 system.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ACCT 210 and 211; BADM 300 and 301 and 310 and 321 and 323 and 369 and 370 and 425

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 406 - Accounting for Entrepreneurs (C)

    Accounting concepts and practices for entrepreneurs/small business owners. Emphasis given to the use of accounting tools to solve small business problems.

    (C) denotes common course

    Cross-listed: ENTR 406

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 407 - International Business (C)

    This course provides a basic understanding of the challenges and opportunities involved in the operation of international enterprises. Major points of discussion include the economic and political influences on operations, as well as other selected topics.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 408 - International Strategic & Human Resource Management

    International Strategic and Human Resource Management is a survey course focusing on international aspects of organizational behavior and organizational theory, strategic management, and human resource management. Topics include understanding and managing across cultures, approaches in staffing, selection and training of managers for foreign assignments, international compensation, international labor relations, strategic planning for international operations, strategies for international competitiveness, organizing international operations, multinational corporations, and ethics and social responsibility in international management.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 369

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 409 - Financial Strategy

    Financial Strategy is a study of the development of the theory of value, followed by case studies and empirical analysis of the process of value creation, transfer and destruction. The impact of the rapidly changing, global operating environment and capital markets on strategic financial management is studied.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ACCT 210 and 211; BADM 310

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 411 - Investments (C)

    This course is a thorough study of the equity market including fundamental valuation techniques, asset allocation, the efficient markets hypothesis and its implications, portfolio theory, risk and return, the primary and secondary market mechanisms, security market indicators, and international investing. An overview of the bond market including bond valuation, duration, and bond portfolio management, and an introduction to options, futures, and forward contracts are provided. The vital roles of computer technology and electronic trading are also explored.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: BADM 310

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 412 - Security Analysis (C)

    Security Analysis is a thorough study of portfolio management for individual as well as institutional investors and includes both equity and fixed income analysis. Security valuation and analysis are discussed as well as the topics of asset allocation, efficient diversification, portfolio theory and construction, investment policy, and performance evaluation. The vital roles of computer technology and electronic trading are also explored.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 411

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 2-3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 413 - Advanced Corporate Finance

    This course utilizes a combination of cases and theory in studying the investment, financing and dividend decisions of the firm. The emphasis is on long-term debt and equity financing as well as managing financial risk.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 310

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 414 - Financial Derivatives

    This course discusses the basic characteristics of derivative instruments, such as forwards, futures, options, and swaps, and their applications to corporate strategy and risk management as well as to portfolio management. Topics include basic features of futures and options, option strategies, valuation and hedging techniques, financial risk management, and derivatives market mechanisms.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ACCT 210 and 211; BADM 310 and 411

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 415 - Financial Institutions (C)

    This course is an analytical and descriptive survey of financial institutions from a global perspective. Financial institution risk management and the changing financial and regulatory environment are emphasized.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 310

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 416 - Commercial Bank Management (C)

    This course is an in-depth study of banking institutions, with special emphasis on commercial banks and their connection to the federal reserve system and other financial institutions. A risk management perspective is adopted, and the fast changing global regulatory and financial environments are discussed.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 310

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 421 - Quantitative Analysis for Business

    Quantitative Analysis for Business involves the utilization of quantitative techniques and models as a potential means of establishing policies of the firm and for solving many of the problems of control that arise in the operation of a modern business enterprise. It is concerned with the contribution of mathematical and statistical technology to the very important area of managerial decision-making under conditions of risk and uncertainty.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: BADM 220 or MATH 281 or STAT 281, and BADM 321

    Elective for Business students who have completed BADM 321

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 425 - Production/Operations Management (C)

    This course studies the basic tools of operations management with emphasis on decision-making models in production and planning. Such topics as decision theory, production planning and control, inventory control, materials requirement planning, project management, and quality control are covered.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: BADM 220 or MATH/STAT 281, and BADM 321

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 429 - Microcomputer Applications for Business

    Microcomputer Applications for Business presents advanced techniques employing microcomputers to solve business-related problems using various software packages and/or programming languages. Additional topics may include integration among the software applications and the Internet as well as other current trends.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ACCT 210, BADM 220 and 323

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 430 - Computer Network Management and Administration

    Computer Network Management and Administration covers the basic principles of telecommunication, computer networking technologies, and managing a local area network (LAN) in a business environment. The course provides hands-on experience in LAN administration using widely adopted networking software in a computer laboratory. Topics covered include: the concepts of computer networking and data communication, understanding and evaluating telecommunication media and devices, understanding and evaluating network protocols, setting up and configuring basic network services, creating and managing the network user environment, and performing network administrative tasks.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ACCT 210, BADM 220 and 323

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 431 - Risk Analysis and Insurance (C)

    This course is a study of the management of non-speculative risks and the management devices available for dealing with them. Emphasis is placed on insurance as a tool for managing risks by individuals and businesses.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 432 - E-Commerce Development and Management

    Electronic Commerce Development and Management is the study of strategies and techniques of electronic marketing, sales, and the creation of virtual businesses.

    Registration restriction: Junior standing in the School of Business or Instructor consent

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 433 - Real Estate (C)

    This course is a study of real property interests including brokerage, law, financing, investments, appraisal, property development, property management and marketing.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisites: ACCT 210 and 211, BADM 310

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 438 - Entrepreneurship II (C)

    This course focuses on the process of screening an opportunity, drafting a personal entrepreneurial strategy, and understanding the business plan writing process. Building the entrepreneurial team and the acquisition and management of financial resources are emphasized along with venture growth, harvest strategies, and valuation.

    (C) denotes common course

    Cross-listed: ENTR 438

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 441 - Project Management

    Project Management involves the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques for completing a project on time, within budget, and meeting quality requirements. Project Management covers such topics as project scope, project requirements, estimation of time requirements, and the identification, development and evaluation of resources, budgets, risks, task lists, interdependencies, and critical milestones. In addition, the course covers project implementation issues such as conducting phase reviews, securing needed resources, managing the control process, and reporting project status.

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 443 - International Finance

    International Finance explores the principles of financial management from an international perspective. Background material on foreign exchange markets and risk is provided, and the theory of foreign exchange markets is discussed. Emphasis is placed on corporate finance for international firms. Both direct and indirect investment as well as financing decisions for multinational corporations are covered.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ACCT 210 and 211, BADM 310

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 452 - Commercial Law and Ethics

    Commercial Law and Ethics is the study of the legal and ethical aspects of commercial transactions. Topics covered include: secured transactions, commercial paper, debtor-creditor relationships, securities regulation, and real and personal property. Ethical and relevant international issues are integrated throughout the course. Additional topics may include insurance, wills, trusts, and bankruptcy.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 350

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 453 - Business and Society

    Business and Society is an integrating course that considers the role of the firm or corporation in regard to conflicting or competitive views in relationships to government, labor, cooperatives, social, ethical and political responsibility.

    Registration restriction: Senior standing

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 456 - Cyberlaw

    Cyberlaw is a study of the legal aspects of managing technology both in the workplace and cyberspace. The course will focus on issues relating to electronic commerce, technology, intellectual property, and the Internet. Social, legal, ethical, and political issues will be addressed with a global perspective.

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 457 - Business Ethics (C)

    This course is a study of the ethical implications of managerial decisions. Topics covered include the responsibility of the organization to the individual and society, the role of the individual within the organization, and ethical systems for American business. The course provides an examination and assessment of current American business practices.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 458 - International Business Law (C)

    This course is a study of the legal framework in which international business in conducted. Competing national laws and court systems are examined with respect to international business transactions and the resolution of international business disputes. International commercial law, trade law, trade organizations, and coalitions are examined. Ethical, cultural, and diversity issues are explored.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 350

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 460 - Human Resource Management

    This course provides a survey of managerial practices with respect to the management of the human resource function and an introduction to the topic of human resource management as an occupational choice. Major areas of inquiry include recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits administration and work force integration and maintenance.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 369

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 461 - Advanced Human Resource Management

    Advanced Human Resource Management examines current issues in the field. Topics vary by semester and may include recruitment, selection, benefits, compensation, organizational climate, and job design.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 369 and 460 or Instructor consent

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 462 - Workforce Planning and Selection

    Workforce Planning and Selection trains students in analyzing current staffing requirements and projecting future staffing needs.  Students evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of various recruitment and selection instruments and strategies used by professionals.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 369 and 460

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 466 - Training and Development

    Training and Development provides an in-depth look at practices related to the structure, the methods, and the use of technology for the training of employees.  Students will apply learning theories in the development and implementation of a strategic employee training system.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 369 and 460

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 467 - Labor-Management Relations (C)

    This course is a survey of the historical, current, and emergent patterns in local, state, and federal labor organizations relating to collective bargaining. Topics include an analysis of the rights and obligations of both management and unions as influenced by legislation, administrative decisions, and court cases. Student exercises in collective bargaining negotiations, and contract agreements, nationally and globally, will be tracked and discussed. A collective bargaining agreement will be negotiated as a student exercise.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 360 or 369

    (C) denotes Common Course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 470 - Marketing Planning and Strategy

    Marketing Planning and Strategy is the study of the development, evaluation, and implementation of marketing strategy in complex environments. Students become familiar with the range of decisions implicit in strategic market planning and develop skills in using a variety of analytical frameworks for making decisions through the use of case analyses and simulation games.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 370

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 471 - Marketing Management (C)

    This course is a study of the field of marketing and the influences that affect marketing strategy. The focus is on the methods that marketing managers use to develop and evaluate marketing mix decisions.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BADM 370

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 472 - Sales Management

    Sales Management covers topics such as selection, training, compensation, supervision, motivation, budgets, quotas, territory design and sales analysis. Problems of the sales executive in building, directing and controlling the sales force are emphasized.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: BADM 370

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 473 - Retail Management (C)

    This course is a study of competitive structure, trade area analysis, site selection, merchandise planning and control, pricing, buying, credit policy and research. Managerial problems concerning the planning and operation of retail facilities are emphasized.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: BADM 370

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 474 - Personal Selling (C)

    This course is a study of the skills needed to develop and manage long-term relationships with customers and suppliers. Emphasis is placed on relationship selling, presentation, prospecting, handling objectives and closing techniques with consideration given to differences in the global marketplace.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: BADM 370

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 475 - Consumer Behavior (C)

    This course is a study of the various factors that influence consumers in their decisions relative to buying, using and disposing of goods, services and ideas. The course examines concepts and theories from the behavioral sciences and analyzes their application in developing marketing strategies.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: BADM 370

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 476 - Marketing Research (C)

    This course provides an in-depth study of the primary methodologies of marketing research. Emphasis is placed on collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting information for the purpose of reducing uncertainty surrounding marketing and management decisions.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisites: BADM 370; BADM 220 or MATH/STAT 281

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 477 - Marketing Channels Management

    Marketing Channels is an in-depth study of the structure, functions, and management of marketing channels. The relationships among channel members and their negotiations are discussed.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: BADM 370

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 478 - International Marketing (C)

    This course is a study of the application of marketing principles and concepts in diverse cultural, economic, political, legal, and technological international environments.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: BADM 370

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 481 - Promotional Management (C)

    This course is a concentrated study of marketing issues related to promotions and the creative aspects of the advertising/communication process. Topics covered include communication as an integral part of marketing, fundamentals of communication, the marketing environment, and management of a promotional strategy. Planning, implementation, evaluation and control are discussed.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: BADM 370

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 482 - Business Policy and Strategy (C)

    This course is designed to develop an understanding of strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. It involves integrating all functional areas of business, analyzing the environment in which the firm operates, and choosing strategies that enable the firm to meet its objectives.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: BADM 310 and 321 and 323 and 350 and 370; BADM 360 or 369

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 483 - Small Business Consulting (C)

    This course is a consulting program whereby students, working under faculty guidance, assist businesses by researching and developing possible solutions to specific problems involved in business start-up and expansion.

    (C) denotes Common Course

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 484 - Compensation

    Compensation studies the role of a wage and salary administrator.  It focuses on the fundamentals of wage theory, job evaluation and compensable factors, employee evaluation, individual and group incentive plans, benefits, and managerial/executive compensation.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course Prerequisites:  BADM 369 and 460

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 485 - Critical Issues in Human Resources

    Critical Issues in Human Resources is designed to facilitate a more in-depth study of selected issues confronting organizations in the area of personnel administration.  Topics include the move of human resources from support function to strategic focus, diversity, legal trends, ethical developments, and other emerging issues.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course Prerequisites:  BADM 369 and 460

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 487 - International Case Study

    International Case Study is a case method course investigating the complexity of trading in the international exports markets. Practical problems encountered by the business firm are identified and solutions discussed.

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 488 - International Business and Economic Studies

    International Business and Economic Studies is a study tour, lasting about one month, of at least four European countries. Students will attend daily briefings at businesses, labor unions, government agencies and international institutions to learn about the importance of international business and economics to South Dakota and to their careers.

    Credits: 1-6

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 489 - Business Plan Writing and Competition (C)

    Students will write a business plan and present it to a panel of faculty and business community members. The top three business plan presenters will move on to a statewide competition.

    (C) denotes common course

    Cross-listed: ENTR 489

    Credits: 1

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 490 - Seminar (C)

    A highly focused and topical course. The format includes student presentations and discussions of reports based on literature, practices, problems, and research. Seminars may be conducted over electronic media such as Internet and are at the upper division or graduate levels. Enrollment is generally limited to fewer than 20 students.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 491 - Independent Study (C)

    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-4

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 492 - Topics (C)

    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-4

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 493 - Workshop (C)

    Special, intense sessions in specific topic areas. Approximately 45 hours of work is required for each hour of credit. Workshops may vary in time range but typically use a compressed time period for delivery. They may include lectures, conferences, committee work, and group activity.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 494 - Internship (C)

    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and/or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.

    Registration restriction: Permission of the school and the company or agency involved, business majors in good standing who have completed junior level courses

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-6

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 495 - Practicum (C)

    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and/or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: BADM 369

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BADM 498 - Undergrad Research/Scholarship (C)

    Includes senior project, and capstone experience. Independent research problems/projects or scholarship activities. The plan of study is negotiated by the faculty member and the student. Contact between the two may be extensive and intensive. Does not include research courses which are theoretical.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 0-12

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOC 310 - Biological Chemistry

    Fundamental course directed to students in Medical Technology. Survey of the chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids; the metabolic transformation associated with energy yielding and energy requiring processes of the cell; the biochemical basis of the transfer of genetic information; basic biochemical techniques and some clinical methods. Lecture and laboratory component.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisites: CHEM 326 and 328

    Course corequisite: BIOC 310L

    Registration restriction: Enrollment in medical technology

    Credits: 5

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOC 310L - Biological Chemistry Laboratory

    Fundamental course directed to students in Medical Technology. Survey of the chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids; the metabolic transformation associated with energy yielding and energy requiring processes of the cell; the biochemical basis of the transfer of genetic information; basic biochemical techniques and some clinical methods. Lecture and laboratory component.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: BIOC 310

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOC 430 - Principles of Biochemistry

    Fundamental course directed to advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students. Introduction to the relationship between chemical structure and biological function; generation and storage of metabolic energy; biosynthesis of biological compounds; storage, transmission and expression of genetic information.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisites: CHEM 326 and 328 or Instructor consent

    Course corequisite: BIOC 431

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOC 431 - Principles of Biochemistry Laboratory

    Laboratory emphasizes modern approaches to solving biochemical problems and experience to accompany BIOC 430.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: BIOC 430

    Laboratory: 1 credit, Discussion Session: 1 credit.

    Credits: 2

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOC 451 - Methods of Analysis in Biomedical Research

    Laboratory instruction in the methodology used in experimental biology. An emphasis will be placed on the techniques used in molecular biology and protein biochemistry.

    Registration restriction: Instructor consent

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOC 491 - Independent Study (C)

    Directed laboratory research under the active supervision of a faculty member of the Division of Biomedical Sciences.

    Registration restriction: Instructor consent

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-5

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 101 - Biology Survey I (C)

    Study of the nature, diversity, and classification of life, ecology, cells and cell cycles, Mendelian and modern genetics evolution and evolution theory.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: BIOL 101L

    Intended for those not majoring in biology

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 101L - Biology Survey I Laboratory (C)

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 101.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: BIOL 101

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 103 - Biology Survey II (C)

    Study of energetics; plant growth; development and reproduction; animal structure and function.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: BIOL 103L

    Intended for those not majoring in biology

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 103L - Biology Survey II Laboratory (C)

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 103.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: BIOL 103

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 105 - Human Biology (C)

    Presents key biological principles that are characteristic of living things in general and human beings in particular, focusing on the application of these principles to the concerns of contemporary life.

    Not intended for Life Science majors

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 151 - General Biology I (C)

    The introductory course for those majoring in biology and microbiology.  Presents the concepts or cell biology, evolution, heredity, molecular genetics and ecology.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
     Course corequisite: BIOL 151L 

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 151L - General Biology I Lab (C)

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 151.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course Corequisite: BIOL 151

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 153 - General Biology II (C)

    A continuation of BIOL 151, the introductory course for those majoring in biology and microbiology.  Presents the concepts of animal and plant structure and function, energetics, and reproduction.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: BIOL 151 or BIOL 161 & BIOL 162
    Course corequisite: BIOL 153L

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 153L - General Biology II Lab (C)

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 153.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: BIOL 153

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 161 - Principles of Genetics & Evolution

    One of four courses in the introductory course sequence for Biology majors and in the pre-professional curriculum for the health sciences. Topics presented include principles of Mendelian and population genetics; mitosis and meiosis; the chromosomal basis of inheritance; micro- and macro-evolution; and an introduction to phylogenetics.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: BIOL 161L

    Lecture plus lab component.

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 161L - Principles of Genetics & Evolution Laboratory

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 161.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course corequisite: BIOL 161

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 162 - Principles of Organismal Diversity & Ecology

    One of four courses in the introductory course sequence for Biology majors and in the pre-professional curriculum for the health sciences. Topics presented include the origins of life; the principles of phylogenetics; the developmental structural, functional, and life history diversity within major evolutionary lineages; and the principles of ecology at the population-, community-, and ecosystem-levels.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: BIOL 161

    Course corequisite: BIOL 162L

    Lecture plus lab component.

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 162L - Principles of Organismal Diversity & Ecology Laboratory

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 162.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: BIOL 162

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 163 - Principles of Cellular & Molecular Biology

    One of four courses in the introductory course sequence for Biology majors and in the pre-professional curriculum for the health sciences. Topics presented include descriptions of cellular structures and their functions, enzymes and cell metabolism, the cell cycle, DNA structure, transcription, translation, and regulation of gene expression.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: BIOL 163L

    Lecture plus lab component.

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 163L - Principles of Cellular & Molecular Biology Laboratory

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 163.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course corequisite: BIOL 163

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 164 - Principles of Organismal Physiology

    One of four courses in the introductory course sequence for Biology majors and in the pre-professional curriculum for the health sciences. Topics presented include basic physiological mechanisms in plants and animals including organismal metabolism; gas exchange; nutrient procurement and processing; excretion and elimination of metabolic by-products; and chemical messenger systems.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: BIOL 163

    Course corequisite: BIOL 164L

    Lecture plus lab component.

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 164L - Principles of Organismal Physiology Laboratory

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 164.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: BIOL 164

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 310 - Environmental Science

    A lecture discussion course dealing with human impact on the environment and on the use and misuses of our renewable and non-renewable resources, including air, water, soil and living organisms. Discussion of pertinent literature dealing with humans as a member of an ecological system.

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 311 - Principles of Ecology (C)

    Basic principles of ecology including the sub-disciplines of physiological ecology, population ecology, community ecology, evolutionary ecology, and ecosystems ecology from both a theoretical and applied aspect.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisites: [BIOL 151 or BIOL 161 & 162] and [BIOL 153 or BIOL 163 & 164]

    All prerequisites require minimum grade of C

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 401 - Plant Systematics

    Principles of phylogeny, classification, nomenclature, evolution; demonstrations, field study and laboratory practice in collection, preserving, and identifying plants.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course Prerequisites: [BIOL 151 or BIOL 161 & 162] and [BIOL 153 or BIOL 163 & 164]

    Course Corequisite: BIOL 401L

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 401L - Plant Systematics Laboratory

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 401.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: BIOL 401

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 402 - Animal Behavior

    Animal behavior from many aspects, including communication, social organization, orientation, imprinting, courtship and mating, agonistic behavior, control systems, and the evolution of behavioral patterns.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: [BIOL 151 or BIOL 161 & 162] and [BIOL 153 or BIOL 163 & 164]

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • BIOL 405 - Insect Biology

    An introduction to the general biology and classification of insects. Course emphasis placed on taxonomy, methods of identification, and ecological role of insects. Students will become familiar with basic insect anatomy and morphology, classification of the order level with exemplary families that include Taxa of agricultural or environmental interest, and acquire an ability to sight recognize particular species that have agricultural, environmental, wildlife, and human/livestock health importance. Field trips and a collection are required.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course Prerequisite:  [BIOL 151 or BIOL 161 & 162] and [BIOL 153 or BIOL 163 & 164]

    Course corequisite: BIOL 405L

    All prerequisites must have a grade of C or better

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability


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