Sep 24, 2024  
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • ENGL 468 - Contemporary Fiction (C)

    A study of the significant trends in contemporary fiction.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisites: Six hours from ENGL 221 or 222 or 241 or 242

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 469 - Contemporary Poetry

    British and/or American poetry of recent decades.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: Six hours from ENGL 221 or 222 or 241 or 242

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 472 - Playwriting II

    A continuation of the study of the craft of the dramatist with emphasis on the structure of the action. Practice through the writing of one-act plays and adaptations for the stage.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ENGL 210 or UHON 110; and ENGL 283

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 474 - Literature of Feminist Politics

    Analysis of American feminism from its origins as a political movement through its current expressions in literature and literary criticism.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: ENGL 210 or UHON

    Cross-listed: WMST 474, POLS 474

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 475 - Creative Writing: Non-Fiction

    Advanced study of the writing process concentrating on creative non-fiction.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Prerequisites: ENGL 210 or UHON 110, and ENGL 283

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 476 - Creative Writing: Fiction (C)

    Advanced study of the writing process concentrating on fiction.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ENGL 210 and 283

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 477 - Literature, Art & the American Land

    An examination of the effect of the American land on transplanted European cultures.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: Six hours from ENGL 221 or 222 or 241 or 242

    Cross-listed: ARTH 406

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 478 - Creative Writing: Poetry (C)

    Advanced study of the writing process concentrating on poetry.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites:  ENGL 210 or UHON 110 and 283

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 482 - Creative Writing II (C)

    Advanced study of the writing process with the opportunity to concentrate on a single genre, such as poetry, fiction, or drama.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ENGL 210 or UHON 110; and ENGL 283

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 483 - Advanced Creative Writing (C)

    Advanced study of the writing process with emphasis on refining technique and style in a genre of the student’s choice: fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, or drama.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ENGL 210 or UHON 110; and ENGL 283

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 484 - Literary Criticism (C)

    The theory and practice of various critical approaches to literature.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ENGL 284; and 6 hours from ENGL 221 or 222 or 241 or 242

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 485 - Contemporary Criticism

    A study of methods and theories in 20th-century literary criticism, with the writing of critical essays.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ENGL 284; and 6 hours from ENGL 221 or 222 or 241 or 242

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 487 - Aesthetics

    Investigation of major aesthetic theories and critical analysis of problems concerning the nature of aesthetic judgment in art.

    Registration restriction: Junior standing

    Cross-listed: ARTH 413, CLHU 487. PHIL 487 and THEA 469

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 489 - Senior Capstone

    This course, which meets the regental exit requirement, is open only to English majors with senior standing, and is required of all majors.

    Registration restriction: Senior standing

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 490 - Seminar (C)

    Study of an individual writer chosen by the instructor.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: Six hours from ENGL 221 or 222 or 241 or 242

    Repeatable for a maximum of 6 hours with change of topic.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-4

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 491 - Independent Study (C)

    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-5

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 492 - Topics (C)

    Concentrated study of topics and themes in literature, language, or composition.

    Repeatable for a maximum of 6 hours with change of topic.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-5

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 494 - Internship (C)

    Practical experience in writing in a company, business, or agency, supervised and evaluated by an individual instructor.

    Student must contact the internship director at least one month before registration to arrange for the writing contract with the participating organization.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-12

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 495 - Practicum (C)

    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid.  Students gain practical experience, they follow a negotiated and/or directed plan of study.  A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience.

    Registration restriction: Instructor permission.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 496 - Field Experience (C)

    Experience in an activity, such as tutoring, that is relevant to the discipline of English and supervised and evaluated by an instructor.  Course requirements include writing a proposal and a report analyzing the experience.

    A student in this course must make arrangements for his/her position in a suitable organization or agency and must contact the instructor for a contract at least one month prior to registration.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENGL 498 - Undergraduate Research/Scholarship (C)

    Independent research problems/projects or scholarship activities. The plan of study is negotiated by the faculty member and the student. Contact between the two may be extensive and intensive.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 0-12

    Check Course Availability

  • ENTR 336 - Entrepreneurship I (C)

    This course is an introduction to the concepts, terminology, and process of new venture creation, operation and growth, as well as the introduction of entrepreneurial management practices into existing businesses. New ventures include public and non-profit institutions as well as for profit businesses. This course will assist in the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities and strategies and the role of personal factors (including creativity). Legal, ethical, and social responsibilities are emphasized.

    (C) denotes common course

    Cross-listed: BADM 336

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENTR 406 - Accounting for Entrepreneurs (C)

    Accounting concepts and practices for entrepreneurs/small business owners. Emphasis given to the use of accounting tools to solve small business problems.

    (C) denotes common course

    Cross-listed: BADM 406

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENTR 438 - Entrepreneurship II (C)

    This course focuses on the process of screening an opportunity, drafting a personal entrepreneurial strategy, and understanding the business plan writing process. Building the entrepreneurial team and the acquisition and management of financial resources are emphasized along with venture growth, harvest strategies, and valuation.

    (C) denotes common course

    Cross-listed: BADM 438

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ENTR 489 - Business Plan Writing and Competition (C)

    Students will write a business plan and present it to a panel of faculty and business community members. The top three business plan presenters will move on to a statewide competition.

    (C) denotes common course

    Cross-listed: BADM 489

    Credits: 1

    Check Course Availability

  • EPSY 302 - Educational Psychology (C)

    A comprehensive study of the fundamental psychological facts, principles and theories that apply to the nature of the learner and the learning process.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 2-3

    Check Course Availability

  • EPSY 421 - Psychology of Early Childhood Education

    A study of psychological theories and research pertaining to education and development during early childhood.

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • EPSY 422 - Psychology of Adolescence (C)

    A study of the behavior and development of middle and secondary level students.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 2-3

    Check Course Availability

  • EPSY 427 - Child Growth and Development

    A study of the physical, language, cognitive, and social/emotional growth and development of the child from birth to young adult in the contexts of family, school, peer and community.

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • EPSY 440 - Development Through the School Years

    This course will introduce the student to developmental theories and issues that are applicable to children throughout their public school years. Normative and atypical patterns of developing in all areas (physical, cognitive, social and emotional) will be covered. Biological factors as well as environmental and socio-cultural influences will be investigated. Educational and social program implications will be explored.

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • EPSY 491 - Independent Study (C)

    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems, and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.

    Registration restriction: Instructor consent

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 101 - Principles of Earth Science I

    The study of Earth’s composition, landforms, geological processes, oceans and atmosphere. Laboratory includes study of minerals, rocks, topographic maps, and landforms.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: ESCI 101L

    Credits: 4 

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 101L - Principles of Earth Science I Laboratory

    This lab accompanies ESCI 101.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: ESCI 101

    Lab fee charged

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 103 - Principles of Earth Science II

    An introductory course designed to complement ESCI 101. Emphasizes the origin, history, and dynamic nature of Earth through geologic time. Laboratory includes study of geologic maps, earth structures, fossils, and related topics.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite:  ESCI 101

    Course corequisite:  ESCI 103L

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 103L - Principles of Earth Science II Laboratory

    This lab accompanies ESCI 103.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course corequisite: ESCI 103

    Lab fee charged

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 192 - Topics (C)

    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 201 - National Parks and Monuments

    National parks and monuments as examples of geologic processes and change in the physical environment.

    Primarily for non-majors

    Credits: 2

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 203 - Volcanoes and Earthquakes

    A discussion of the origin, occurrence, and hazards of earthquakes and volcanoes and theories concerning their prediction. No prerequisites.

    Primarily for non-majors

    Credits: 2

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 205 - Environmental Earth Science

    A course for non-majors with limited earth science background. Considers general concepts of the earth sciences and their relationship to use of the natural environment.

    Cross-listed: GEOG 205

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 207 - World of the Dinosaurs

    The origin, evolution, diversity, physiology, and extinction of the dinosaurs.

    Primarily for non-majors

    Credits: 2

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 209 - Evolution/Creation Debate

    The substance of the evolution/creation debate and its impact on society.

    Credits: 2

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 294 - Internship in Earth Science (C)

    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and/or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ESCI 101 and 103 or Instructor consent

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 313 - Glacial Geomorphology

    Glacial processes and effect of glacial climate. Introduction to stratigraphy and chronology of the Pleistocene.

    Offered on demand

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 385 - The Energy Crisis

    Survey of energy resources and usage. The physics and geology and fossil fuels, hydroelectric, nuclear, solar and geothermal energy and environmental effects.

    Cross-listed: PHYS 385

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 396 - Field Experience in Earth Science (C)

    Field trips conducted by the department. Students must pay a fee to cover travel costs.

    Registration restriction: Instructor consent

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 2

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 411 - Principles of Geomorphology

    Origin and evolution of landforms in regions of different geologic and geographic characteristics. The emphasis is on the processes operating to produce the landforms.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ESCI 101 and 103 or Instructor consent

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 421 - Earth Materials I

    Introduction to minerals, their crystallography, mineral chemistry, mineral-forming processes, and modes of occurrence. Emphasis on rock-forming minerals.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisites:  ESCI 101 and CHEM 112 or Instructor consent

    Course corequisite:  ESCI 421L

    Offered alternate years

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 421L - Earth Materials I Laboratory

    This lab accompanies ESCI 421.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: ESCI 421

    Lab fee charged

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 423 - Earth Materials II

    Study of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Description, classification, and interpretation of rock-forming processes based on textural, mineralogical and chemical characteristics.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: ESCI 423L

    Offered alternate years

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 423L - Earth Materials II Laboratory

    This lab accompanies ESCI 423.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: ESCI 423

    Lab fee charged

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 425 - Introduction to Geographical Information Systems

    This course in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is designed and intended to provide students with a basic introduction to the theory, principles, and practical applications of land-based studies. Course will include technology applications to land-based sciences, natural resources management, rural and urban planning and environmental assessment. Laboratory exercises to include use of both raster and vector based GIS systems.

    Cross-listed: ANTH 425, POLS 425

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 435 - Geophysical Prospecting

    A survey of seismic, gravimetric, and magnetic/electrical exploration methods. Essentially an applied course covering: some elementary theory, basic field practice, computation fundamentals, interpretation techniques.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ESCI 101 and MATH 123 and 1 year introductory physics or Instructor consent

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 443 - Principles of Sedimentology

    Study of sedimentary processes and the formation of sedimentary rocks and strata, their descriptive properties, occurrence, and significance in Earth’s history.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: ESCI 443L

    Offered alternate years

    Field trips required.

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 443L - Principles of Sedimentology Laboratory

    Laboratory experience that accompanies ESCI 443.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: ESCI 443

    Lab fee charged

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 451 - Earth Structures

    Nature and origin of earth structures. Analysis of structural problems. Introduction to rock mechanics and tectonics. Field Trips required. Lab component.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: ESCI 103

    Offered alternative years

    Lab fee charged

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 461 - Invertebrate Paleontology (C)

    A systematic study of the structure and classification of selected invertebrate taxa. The course will provide a useful tool for field and laboratory work involving fossil-bearing rocks and will form a background for advanced work in paleontology or paleontological stratigraphy.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: ESCI 461L

    (C) denotes common course

    Cross-listed: BIOL 485

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 461L - Invertebrate Paleontology Laboratory (C)

    Laboratory experiences to accompany ESCI 461.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: ESCI 461

    Lab fee charged

    (C) denotes common course

    Cross-listed: BIOL 485L

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 463 - Vertebrate Paleontology

    The origin, diversity, and osteology of vertebrate animals in Earth history as documented in the fossil record, including fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite:  BIOL 101 or ESCI 103

    Course corequisite:  ESCI 463L

    Cross-listed: BIOL 486

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 463L - Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory

    Lab component to accompany ESCI 463.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course corequisite: ESCI 463

    Lab fee charged

    Cross-listed: BIOL 486L

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 473 - Fundamentals of Hydrogeology

    Designed to give a basic knowledge of hydrology, geology and hydrogeologic factors controlling occurrence, movement and use of groundwater. Case studies from South Dakota are incorporated into the content of the course to facilitate the understanding of hydrologic concepts.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: MATH 102 and PHYS 111 and ESCI 101; or Instructor consent

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 475 - Environmental Site Assessment

    Principles, problems and methods related to conducting and preparing an environmental site assessment. This is an applied course covering: field site assessment, regulatory paper trail, and report preparation.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisites: ESCI 205 or ESCI 473 or Instructor consent

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 477 - Field Methods in Hydrogeology

    Principles and use of basic tools and methods of hydrogeologic field investigations.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Course prerequisite: ESCI 473 or Instructor consent

    Lab fee charged

    Credits: 2

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 479 - Water Resource Issues

    Man’s impact of water resources quantity and quality, including impacts due to agricultural, industrial and municipal uses. A comparative analysis of present and past resource development and conservation policies and programs will also be considered.

    No prerequisites, but ESCI 101 or ESCI 205 are strongly recommended.

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 488 - Independent Research in Earth Science

    Qualified students may undertake experimental studies on selected topics under active supervision of senior faculty.

    Registration restriction: Instructor consent

    Course may be repeated up to a total of credits allowed.

    Credits: 1-5

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 491 - Independent Study in Earth Science (C)

    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.

    Registration restriction: Instructor consent

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 492 - Topics in Earth Science (C)

    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 2-4

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 494 - Internship in Earth Science (C)

    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and/or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.

    Registration restriction: Instructor consent

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • ESCI 495 - Practicum: Capstone Project in Earth Science (C)

    Individual research and departmental presentation by graduating seniors in Earth Science. The topic is to be chosen by the student and approved by the instructor.

    Registration restriction: Instructor consent

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 471 - Orebro Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in the Orebro Exchange Program. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intend to take while enrolled at the Orebro, Sweden campus.

    Credits: 3-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 472 - Glamorgan Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in the Glamorgan Exchange Program. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intend to take while enrolled at the Glamorgan, Wales, United Kingdom campus.

    Credits: 3-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 473 - Middelburg Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in the Middleburg Exchange Program. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intent to take while enrolled at the Maastricht, Netherlands campus.

    Course title changed from Maastricht Exchange to Middelburg Exchange eff 6-2-09.

    Credits: 3-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 474 - Pau Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in the Pau Exchange Program. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intend to take while enrolled at the Pau, France campus.

    Credits: 0-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 475 - Vigo Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in the Vigo Exchange Program. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intend to take while enrolled at the Vigo, Spain campus.

    Credits: 3-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 476 - Oldenburg Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in the Oldenburg Exchange Program. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intend to take while enrolled at the Oldenburg, Germany campus.

    Credits: 3-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 477 - Jena Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in the Jena Exchange Program. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intend to take while enrolled at the Jena, Germany campus.

    Credits: 3-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 478 - Wolfsburg Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in the Wolfsburg Exchange Program. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intend to take while enrolled at the Wolfsburg, Germany campus.

    Credits: 3-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 480 - Otaru Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in the Otaru Exchange Program. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intend to take while enrolled at the Otaru, Japan campus.

    Credits: 3-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 482 - Asia Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in a foreign exchange program. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intend to take while enrolled at another campus.

    Credits: 3-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 483 - Latin American Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in a foreign exchange program. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intend to take while enrolled at another campus.

    Credits: 3-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 484 - Europe Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in a foreign exchange program. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intend to take while enrolled at another campus.

    Credits: 3-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 485 - Middle East Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in a foreign exchange program. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intend to take while enrolled at another campus.

    Credits: 3-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 487 - Study Abroad

    Designed to keep a student active at USD if out for one to two semester(s) for study abroad program and not enrolling in credit at USD. Does not guarantee eligibility for financial aid. Repeatable, but for no more than three consecutive terms at any one point.

    Credits: 0

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 488 - National Student Exchange

    This course allows students to register as full-time USD students while taking part in the National Student Exchange. Students will register on the USD campus for the amount of credit hours they intend to take will enrolled at their host institution.

    Credits: 0-18

    Check Course Availability

  • EXCH 489 - Student Exchange – International (C)

    This course allows students to register as full-time students while taking part in an exchange program. Students will register on their home campus for the number of credit hours they intend to take while enrolled at another campus.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 0-18

    Check Course Availability

  • FAMP 340 - Interdisciplinary Health Care Team

    The Interdisciplinary Health Care Team course, offered by the Center for Disabilities Sanford School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, is an interdisciplinary study of the field of development disabilities. It provides students from a variety of disciplines with an understanding of disabilities and the interdisciplinary team process, including theories and responsibilities of various disciplines as they relate to current trends and practices.

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • FREN 101 - Introductory French I (C)

    Fundamentals of language structure and introduction to French culture enabling students to converse, read, and write simple French. Class work may be supplemented with required aural/oral practice outside of class.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • FREN 102 - Introductory French II (C)

    Fundamentals of language structure and introduction to French culture enabling students to converse, read, and write simple French. Class work may be supplemented with required aural/oral practice outside of class.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: FREN 101

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • FREN 201 - Intermediate French I (C)

    Goals of the introductory course continued. Emphasis on cultural and intellectual aspects of French life and literature. Class work may be supplemented with required aural/oral practice outside of class.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: FREN 102

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • FREN 202 - Intermediate French II (C)

    Continues FREN 201. Laboratory as required.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: FREN 201

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 4

    Check Course Availability

  • FREN 291 - Independent Study (C)

    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Student complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability

  • FREN 310 - French Language Skills (C)

    A video and computer-assisted, advanced level course designed to strengthen and expand oral comprehension, conversation and composition within the context of contemporary French culture.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: FREN 202

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • FREN 333 - Topics in Francophone Culture (C)

    Overview of the historical events in Francophone civilizations as they relate to contemporary culture. Second semester emphasizes contemporary Francophone culture and civilization.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: FREN 202

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • FREN 350 - Business Communication in French (C)

    An introduction to the language of business and business practices in French-speaking countries. Included are commercial terminology, business forms, office correspondence and the common expressions used in a business setting.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: FREN 202

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • FREN 353 - Exploring Literature in French (C)

    Study of literary texts from throughout the French-speaking world.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: FREN 202

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

    Check Course Availability

  • FREN 385 - Travel & Study Abroad in Francophone (C)

     Offered to students engaged in an approved program of studies under faculty supervision. Hours of credit as contracted with instructor and approved by the cooperating institutions.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-6

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  • FREN 415 - French Language Skills Workshop

    Advanced-level course that uses both technology and conventional resources to expand student’s competency within specialized emphasis.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: FREN 310 or Instructor consent

    Credits: 1-6

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  • FREN 450 - Business French II (C)

    An advanced course in the language of business in French-speaking countries. Graded readings in commerce and marketing, finance and accounting, and economics.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: FREN 202

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 3

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  • FREN 453 - Topics in French Literature

    In-depth study of authors writing in French.

    Prerequisites and Corequisites
    Course prerequisite: FREN 310 or Instructor consent

    Credits: 3

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  • FREN 491 - Independent Study (C)

    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students. Meetings depending upon the requirements of the topic.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-3

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  • FREN 492 - Topics (C)

    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement.

    (C) denotes common course

    Credits: 1-3

    Check Course Availability


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