2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
History Department
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Judith Lynn Sebesta, Chairperson
East Hall, Room 207
(605) 677-5218
Steven J. Bucklin, US Diplomatic History, Soviet Union, Modern Britain, Contemporary America
Kurt H. Hackemer, 19th Century US, Military/Naval History, Civil War
Robert C. Hilderbrand, Diplomatic History, 20th Century US
Clayton M. Lehmann, Ancient History, Medieval History, Early Modern History
Judith Lynn Sebesta, Classical Art and Archaeology, Women in Antiquity, Ancient History
Associate Professors:
Scott Breuninger, Intellectual History, Modern Britain and British Empire, European Social History
David I. Burrow, European History, Russian History, Twentieth Century Europe
Molly P. Rozum, Great Plains of North American and U.S.-Canada Northern Borderlands
History, B.A., B.S., B.S.ED.
Classical Humanities
Religious Studies
The study of history examines the adventure of peoples and societies from the earliest written records to the present. The courses in history help students to understand the problems of an increasingly interdependent world in which citizens must make decisions based on informed reflection and critical thinking. The major also fosters an enjoyment of history that will enrich a student’s intellectual development after college. The history major and minor will train students in the use of historical sources, develop their skills in critical analysis, and foster a spirit of open-minded inquiry. The study of history provides critical thinking skills and perspectives that are necessary for those intending to enter professions in law, teaching, journalism, politics, ministry, and the civil or diplomatic service. These critical thinking skills are also invaluable for those intending to pursue almost any career, such as business, museum work, archaeology, park services, or librarianship. In conjunction with the School of Education the department offers a major in Secondary Education/History Education and collaborates in the minor in Social Sciences Education.
Since 1957 the Department has sheltered a chapter of Phi Alpha Theta History Honorary, the largest academic honorary in the world. History majors are invited to membership in their junior and senior years.
Since 1965 the Department has hosted an annual Student History Conference, modeled on professional history conferences. At the day-long conference undergraduate students from USD and regional colleges and universities present papers on local, American, European, and world history.
- Carl Christol History Award (available to upper-class history majors)
- Robert Stark Scholarship (for history majors)
- Donald L. Bechtel History Scholarship (available to history majors with a GPA of 3.0 or better)
- Cedric and Evelyn Cummins Memorial Scholarship (available to sophomore or junior history majors)
- Ramon Harris/Robert Wallace Scholarship (for history majors)
- Cliff Eggers Memorial Scholarship (available to junior history majors with a GPA of 3.0 to 3.3)
- Anna M. Goetz Scholarship (for history majors)
- Jacque Manning Book Award (available to history majors with a 3.0 GPA or better)
- Everett Sterling Book Award (for history majors)
- Elbert and Marjorie Harrington Book Award (for history majors)
- Stephen R. Ward Internship (awarded to a history major for her/his senior year)
- Robert “Bid” Miller/Cedric Cummins History Scholarship (for history majors)
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