2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Languages, Linguistics and Philosophy Department
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Susan Wolfe, Chairperson
Slagle 306
(605) 677-5357
István Gombocz, German Language, Literature and Culture
Susan Wolfe, Linguistics, Gender Studies, Philosophy of Language
Assistant Professors:
Angela Helmer, Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture
Christian Gomez Olivares, Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture
Amine Ramouni El Idrissi, French Language, Literature, and Culture; Arabic Language
Teresa Piper, Spanish Section Coordinator, Spanish Language, Literature and Culture
Kristine Djerf, Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture
French Studies, B.A.
German, B.A.
Spanish, B.A.
Spanish Education, B.A., B.S.Ed.
French Studies
Interdisciplinary Language Areas
The study of a second language is a valuable asset for every university student regardless of career goals and personal aspirations. Knowledge of other languages and cultures makes one a more informed citizen and may provide a marketable skill. The Department of Language, Linguistics & Philosophy offers programs in French Studies, German, and Spanish. Students wishing to satisfy the fourteen-hour language requirement for the Bachelor of Arts degree may do so in any of the aforementioned languages. Students may elect to minor in French, German, or Spanish. Teaching majors and teaching minors are offered in French, German,and Spanish. Students who wish to expand their knowledge of the world by living in a foreign culture may take advantage of exchange opportunities in France, Germany, Hungary, Spain and Mexico. Student exchange programs currently exist with The Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg, Germany, The Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena, Germany, The Pázmány Péter Catholic University of Hungary, and The University of Vigo, Spain.
- Constance Hampl - French majors
- Alexander Hartman - French or Spanish majors
- Edwin Behrendt- German majors
- Lillian Hollingsworth - Spanish majors
- Edward and Helen Greene Travel Fund – Language Majors
Leroy N. Meyer, Program Coordinator
301 Slagle Hall
(605) 677- 5357
Leroy N. Meyer, Logic, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Culture
Susan Wolfe, Linguistics, Gender Studies, Philosophy of Language
Associate Professor:
Keith A. Robinson, 19th and 20th Century Continental Philosophy
Assistant Professor:
Vaughn Huckfeldt, Jr., Ethical Theory, Meta-Ethics, Practical Reason
Philosophy, B.A., B.S.
A major or minor in philosophy represents the finest tradition in university education and will be of lasting value in any vocation prizing that tradition, e.g. law, government, health services, psychology, physics, mathematics, and fine arts. A philosopher is committed to a way of life which promotes wholeness, excellence, and well-being. A philosophical way of life is achieved only through intense, critical investigation of the fundamental principles of all reality and human belief. This is what is meant by referring to philosophy as the love of wisdom. The philosophy program does not hold a narrow, professionalist view of its work, and therefore denies that philosophical activity is limited to scheduled hours of the day. Both inside and outside the classroom, the faculty teaches by engaging in philosophical reflection with those who desire to learn. In light of the work of great philosophical thinkers, the curriculum challenges the student to seek consistent, reasonable, and well defined positions regarding such issues as the nature and possibility of knowledge; the grounds for moral judgment; the methods, aims, and presuppositions of the sciences and arts; the objects and limits of religious belief; and the fundamental nature of reality. Philosophical study not only encourages, but requires, responsible, independent thought and action; it often widens the scope of experience by disclosing surprising alternatives to settled opinions and habitual beliefs. Philosophy instills the conviction that free, critical inquiry is a necessary condition of a genuinely worthwhile life. The Philosophy program is administratively located in the Department of Languages, Linguistics and Philosophy.
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