Feb 07, 2025
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Arts and Sciences – College Degree Requirements (B.A./B.S.)
In the spirit of the liberal arts, requirements for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in the College of Arts and Sciences promote greater breadth and depth in undergraduate study of the humanities, social sciences, the natural sciences, and mathematics. The BA is distinguished by its emphasis on foreign language, while the BS focuses on natural sciences and mathematics.
All students must meet regental graduation requirements (SGR) , in addition to College of Arts and Sciences requirements and the requirements for their chosen major and minor (or double major). To complete general education requirements in the humanities and fine arts, B.S. students take ENGL 210: Introduction to Literature, an additional general education course in the humanities (excluding English), and a course meeting the university’s aesthetic experience requirement.
A summary of the College of Arts and Sciences degree requirements follows. In addition to the degree requirements listed below, all students in the College of Arts and Sciences must complete a minor or double major.
Students in an approved 3+3 fast-track option with the USD School of Law may substitute the first year of law coursework for the minor or second major. Students should consult their academic advisor for guidance in fulfilling degree requirements.
Bachelor of Arts (33-35 credit hours)
Required Minor or Double Major 18+ credit hours
Introduction to Literature 3 credit hours *
Language Requirement 6-8 credit hours
Two semesters of a single language other than English (options include Arabic, French, German, Greek, Lakota, Latin, Russian, and Spanish, and American Sign Language) 6-8 cr Most lower-division language courses meet the general education requirement in humanities (SGR Goal #4 ). Courses in American Sign Language may be used to fulfill the language requirement, but will not fulfill the general education requirement in humanities. Students who have taken substantial language courses in high school may be able to satisfy the language requirements by taking more advanced courses in that language at the University. SPAN 120 and SPAN 121 (Medical Spanish I and II) may not be used to fulfill the BA language requirement. Contact the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics for more information. Humanities and Social Sciences Distribution Requirement 6 credit hours
In addition to the BOR general education requirements in these areas as noted above, B.A. students must take two humanities or social science courses (minimum six credit hours) from among the following prefixes: ANTH, CJUS, CLHU, DCOM, ENGL, FREN, GEOG, GER, GREE, HIST, INTS, LAKL, LATI, LDR, LING, MCOM, MFL, MSL, NATV, PHIL, POLS, selected PSYC (per Psychology section of the catalog ), REL, RUSS, SOC, SPAN, SPCM, SUST, and WMST. The courses must be taken outside the student’s major and minor unless the student is a double major or completes more than two programs (for example, a major and two minors). Bachelor of Science (38-45 credit hours)
Required Minor or Double Major 18+ credit hours
Introduction to Literature 3 credit hours *
Humanities and Social Sciences Distribution Requirement 6 credit hours
In addition to the BOR general education requirements in these areas as noted above, B.S. students must take two humanities or social science courses (minimum six credit hours) from among the following prefixes: ANTH, CJUS, CLHU, DCOM, ENGL, FREN, GEOG, GER, GREE, HIST, INTS, LAKL, LATI, LDR, LING, MCOM, MFL, MSL, NATV, PHIL, POLS, selected PSYC (per Psychology section of the catalog ), REL, RUSS, SOC, SPAN, SPCM, selected SUST (per Sustainability section of the catalog), and WMST. Natural Sciences 6 credit hours
Distribution requirement in natural science: Two courses must be taken in addition to laboratory courses meeting the BOR SGR #6 requirement; total of BS and BOR SGR natural science courses must be at least 12 cr. and at least two prefixes must be included. Additional courses must be chosen from the following prefixes: ANAT, BIOC, BIOL, CHEM, ESCI, MICR, MTRO, OCEN, PHGY, PHYS, and selected PSYC (per Psychology section of the catalog ) and selected SUST (per Sustainability section of the catalog ). Mathematics 5-12 credit hours
Choose either Option A or B as listed below.
Each option also meets the general education requirement in mathematics (SGR Goal #5 ): OPTION A (5 credit hours):
OPTION B (7-12 credit hours):
Complete one of the following combinations listed below: Statistics or programming course options (3 credit hours):