Additional Requirements
- All students in the School Psychology program must complete a trial term consisting of 12 graduate credit-hours. Toward the end of the trial term, the student will complete a preliminary examination. Following this examination, students complete a preliminary interview with all program faculty. Successful passage of the preliminary examination and the maintenance of a grade point average of 3.5 allows the student to continue full admission status.
- Two consecutive academic years are required in-residence.
- Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.5 or above throughout the program.
- A student may repeat only one of the following courses in which he/she obtained a “C” or below, and the failure to obtain a grade of “B” or better the second time may result in dismissal from the program: SPSY 761, SPSY 795, SPSY 894D, COUN 786, COUN 795. Students may appeal the decision for dismissal and make a request for exception with the School Psychology Committee.
- A written comprehensive final examination and successful oral dissertation defense are required of all students.
- Students must take the Praxis II exam and obtain a passing score prior to graduation.