Master of Fine Arts, Directing Program
Students of stage directing at USD are training to be interpretive artists and educators. They are expected to develop a high level of skill in text analysis, interpersonal communication, and the director’s tools for effective storytelling, while also attaining a broad knowledge of theatre and its companion arts. Although there is focused instruction in acting, directing and design, students are encouraged to develop an understanding of how the present and the past intersect so that they may help others discover the common threads which link human experience. Because specialization admissions are limited, each student receives a high level of individualized instruction, opportunities to direct in the Arena season of plays, and, in most instances, the opportunity to direct a mainstage production as part of the directing candidate’s culminating project.
In addition to meeting the general requirements of The Graduate School, candidates for degree must complete all specific program requirements as listed in the departmental Graduate Student Handbook and as indicated by the Graduate Advisory Committee. All candidates must pass a final written and/or oral examination as determined by the Graduate Advisory Committee.
All M.F.A. directing candidates must stage-manage two approved productions and direct three approved productions. At least 50% of the graduate program of study credit hours must be in courses numbered 700 or above. The M.F.A. Directing program requires 60 credit hours of study, to include: